ok i juz had a quarrel w/ kyle-kun (karrie) lol >.<
i mean i knew her~ it is her~! she said she wont come so she wont~!!
n her oka-san merajok w/ me coz i wont come w/ them either~
yeah like i dunno how to merajuk too~!!
oh ropol2 asked me to join them 2morrow to mid~ (which i already went to las week)
n b4 they even told me the plan~ i asked them to join me to klcc instead 4 a bday celebration on sun~ n they declined~ x( n out of sudden they said that kame's is more important to me than the frndship~ ftw~!
well nvm~! i made a deal w/ suzie anyway~ i'll go w/ her 2morow n she'll comes w/ me on sun~! xD even though im missin ana so much but i'd to go w/ suzie or no one will come on sun~! that's juz it~! have to enjoy that havetohavetohaveto~!!!
LOL~ cut it off~!! today's friday~ what i did at home~
- am supposed to go out 4 fcial treatmnt n bowling w/ mak tam~! but woke up super late n the plan was canceled~!!! *lol she's the one who cant leave that tv~!!*
- ereen told me she wud like to come on sun~! i really hope she can cancel her work on that day *prays* n will make them jealous of us~! *meanie mode*
- everybody is writng a fanfic 2day . after the 'quarrel' - read karrie's fanfic n i love it~! it's innocent as she is xD cant wait 4 the next chap~heard she'll make it x-rated haha
- realize that michelle hv one too~! so she make me read her's n totally made me HYPER~ *bad michelle* i cant help myself imagining things w. her work DAMN IT~! i wish kazu did that to me~!! haha shhh shud keep it as a scret 2 ourself ne?
- brooke wins 2day~!! she sent me a link to KT's rescue performance today~ OMGOMGOMGOMG KAME LOOKS THE HOTTEST EVER THAN HE EVER DID~!!! *falling even more* i mean i knew he's kakkoi but believe me i was actually drooling while watching it~!! (that totally made me forgot evrythng) zati cant resist hot guy w/shades~! *still drooling*
- im still on ryo's ordinary mode~!!! luv that song~!!! xD
so that's it 4 2day~! off to shower~! chu~ bye bicycle =3
peace ^_________^ v
location: home sweet home