im freakin 24 n i dun have any rights on my own life. great. saye anak yg baek lagy sopan santun dan comell. ikut ckp mak oke? afuuhh~~ sile la berlalu cpat setahun! saye nk 25 thun cpt2 n confirm n bejaye dgn hebat nye! mampoo? hahaha of course x sbb by 25 im juz about to start my career
*sedeyh2 bunyi viola autumn in my heart time heroin na maty*kejadian mentekedarah mlm nih besame2 skandal terhebat berlangsung mcm nih:
c skandal: u tuh kalo ego x mcm everest mmg x sah. kejap je. tahan la. x pe nnt bebel lagy dgn kitorng
*cis sgguh ayat nih*c gedik: i know its not up to ur standard but u alwayz have this high standard in everything since the last 17teen years i knew u. sume nak perfect.
*saye ank pacik othman oke? *ye. i have this super high ego. i admit that. =.=!
blik umah:
mama: there's a dffrnt btwn working in a commrcial bank n govrmnt bank. HUGE DIFFRNCE oke? ty heidi how is she doing now? nk mcm tu? now u hv both options, the only thing u need to consider is, do u want a stressful life or a laid back life?
*bla bla n bla ceramah psl bank x bank y bank z n bank2 laen berlanjutan*abah: if u wanna be a banker then go for it. i know d reason ur hesitating but i'll try to handle that later w them.
*wah hbt nye mcm superman ckp* yes others like **m n *p are more appealing yet u know they gonna lanyak u gile2 like a robot. kalo bole thn that kind of lifestyle i dun mind. kejap je kan u have a phD na settle. *eh eh? * set up ur mind on wut u wanna be n decide.
i wanna be a gorgeous-head-turner- artist! n ALLL this stuff is not related to my dream at all. so how? :p
conclusion: tanak sign tp tp tp =.=
*::*saye yg menurut perintah sbb x larat na dgr ape2 lagy*::*