Friday, 27 January 2012

fat ass! :p

:) i juz wanna smile. tegelak tgk perangai adek2 zaman skng. terigt zmn muda mudi. ptt la skng gua gehedix smcm. sbb gua x gehedik mcm adek2 niii. mcm2. *geleng2* pesanan buat adek2 nii belaja rajin2 bg mak ayah bangge, senyum smpai telinga 24 jam bkn sakit otak pikir masalah korng 25jam! lpas 2 kau nak mcm2 sukati korng la kan.

nah! muke bajet comell satu! :p

ok.crap the crap! :p for the past few months ive been lurking around the net, shopping complexes *oke part ni mmg expert* books, getting opinions n wutever for infos pertaining to gadgets. yeah. i guess this is the pay for being an IT expert daughter, tiap ari nak tgk gadget baru jeee. *of course in a subtle way la kan!* so RIM's share is falling down down n down the stairs. n guess who has been a loyal user of RIM's product for the past almost three years? *wave* me! n i can proudly say here that i love it to the max. but yes the 1st mover theory is always true. sending text messages, pictures, and etc thru data services instead of the regular sms n mms was an excellent key selling point before yet today sadly it's not anymore.

the market today is blooming to cater the wut i call as lazy- asses- market, like me. zaman sekarang nak tekan kiped pon malas. nak touch2 je. kalau dulu2 nak kne bukak laptop sbb nk bace email sekarang ni *beep2*nah msk trus dlm enset. dulu lepas posing2 buat muke itik gigih laaaa nak cabut bateri kat blakang lpas tu tarik memory card cinonet m2 stick cucuk plak dulu dkt memory card reader, bukak lappy tggu 5jam nak start loading sbb da berat, then connect the reader tguu lagi 8jam nk detect baru la dpt transfer. sekarang nih amboih lpas buat muke itik tu trus sync 1 umah. selesaaaa sgt! :p bontot xyah gerak maka terhasil lah fat ass mcm kim kardashian. *oih tp dea lawa tebabom la kan* ;p

wut did i get from my jln2 buang mase tgk mnde2 ni? i ended up w lotsa choices. samsung galaxy yg berjenis2. iphone. droid. xperia. bnyak! its an everyday-changing-market kot so expected! from ios to android to cybershot to siri to google voice. or r u ready to let go the bbm n use whatsapp which u know the server tends to go down ocassionally? the only way to choose is juz to answer this question, wut is ur priority? so choose wisely people.

so wuts next?

amboih bnyk nye duit kan! *berangan x salah kot* hahaha

ni la tebaek!


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

play! FT Island.

hah. xyah ckp banyak lg dah. tajuk da ckp mcm2. last entry gua ade gtaw nk hapdet psl concert ft kan? *bajet la mcm ade orng nak bace kan?* wutever, im ohsem anyway, so i can post anything in diz ohsem blog jugak la kan! so here's a memento regarding the concert:p

as usual, konsert mesti ade gf2 ni. wut a small world. tu yg 1st pop up dlm kepala hotak masing2 mase mula2 jupe. sgt pelik how Allah created that same circle of people of u n ur frens. we've known each other for only few months back, tp they rawks sgt smpai nk tidoq pon tengigau2. *amboih over* haha. da nak msok 3 thun aku dengaq FT Island tp pompuan2 ni yg bru tgkp leleh x smpai sthun lg over xcited dr aku. hahaha. layan2.

huish. neves oke nk tgu konsert start. pkol 6 lalu lalang merempat tpi stadium dok dgaq dah honggi wat sound2 check gittew. bagos! x bajet v.i.p 2jam awal smpai! hehehe. skali msok stadium, alahai, lemah toi, naala nya jauh stage. sobs. skali lampu ttp je. orng da jerit2. makcik2 belakang gua ttp telinga. tsssk. gegeh nak dtg kan!

lawaaaaa lampu tunen2. huehehehe

mangkok 2 ekoq ni la plg excited kottt.

coet je kan? huuuuu

walaopon honggi tu sgt la cinonet drpd seats kitorng tp suare dea, humang aih gegaq tanah mcm gempa bumi berskala ritcher 10! sound system tebahek! dea nye loncat2, haih bikin hati gua pon meloncat same kot! hehehe :p suuuume lagu best2. starting barae *da wat suara ilang dah* to bad women, to bing bing bing, to sarangalhee n like the birds as penutup mmg klua stadium mute! huahahaha lagu feveret sumeee. *walaopon mule2 rase mcm nak menangis sbb igt dorng x nyanyi lagu sarangalhee tu* *^___^* tp mcm ternangis jugak kegembiraan. hahahahahaha.

ok my eye- candy for this band of course la honggi mcm perempuan2 meroyan yg lain jugak. but to my surprise aku balik tebayang2 jonghun goreng acoustic lagu sunshine girl. *cayaq2* da la mcm yonghwa! *cayaq2 buat kali ke 8* wkwkwkwkwkwkww

nyumm3x :p

as a whole, amat berpuas haty! 4 thumbs up! *sbb gua ada 4 thumbs je, 4 je la mampoo angkat kot!* n yeah. ive been diverting to other bands few years back since ft slows down but now im hooked once again! awwww! dis is the only band yg boleyh buat haty ganas gua nanges dgn lagu2 jiwang dorng. *buek ganas ke?* hewhewhewhew. nk FT dtg lg!!!

ok dah. malas nk panjang2. main point nak belagak sat sbb dpt p concert ni tecapai jgak at last. *statement mntk kaki* ;p

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Shopping spree :)

Assalamualaikum n heeeelllloooo world! :p ececeh
Life has been good lately despite of everything that is going on w which work 2 choose related problem. 2012 started w a great concert by F.T Island. I've been one of their fg since 3 years back n they are getting awesome-er *if there even such word exist* each year! We'll talk FT later in my next post. This entry is solely made to share my experience at kenanga today.

APparently kenanga wholesale city has started its operation few weeks ago. It might not be as extravagant as JPO but it was HUGE. We're talking time square huge over here. Basically its a duplication of time square. Mama ckp mcm guangzhou. They are selling at wholesale price. Imagine a RM80 long dress from on9 shop u can find it in the mall at RM19.9o. Super duper cheap! Of course if u normally buy a dress at rm300 a piece or a brand conscious, dis is nothing. But for certain people like me dis is heaven. So gurls if u r looking 4 lovely piece of cloth w small budget. Its a place u shud go. Till the next entry. Assalamualaikum! :p

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Oke. 2012. So far so good. I can't be more ignorant than I already am. U know that there's a research undergone by sum genius who I dun gv a damn off shows that a person who is always positve in her life will eventually spread the aura to everyone next to him/her n vice versa. So keep on the +ve vibe people even if bullshits is on its way or u seriously despise wut u r doin but peeeelisss la stop the negativity. Bak kate anwarhadi. Don't be angry. Be angry bird. Comel pon comel. :D

N yes 1 more thing, wutever happen in the past, bad decision has been taken. The job had been accptd. Finish wut u r doin. Try 2 love it. Seriously stop comparing. Nk duit lebih keje ssh, xnk keje ssh income sikit. Pick either one la. Tamak mmg xkemana. Nasihat utk diri seniri. Since I'm after self dvlpmt, I'm opt for the challenges. :D bring it on! Oyasumi.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Monday, 2 January 2012

biar mimpi smpai star!

eheh. randy pangalila punye penangan twos rs nak ceconteng blog.
comell. watak dea. *dea mmg la comell tu sume org tawu*
the last part of the movie simply moved me.
when the girl forgives the guy for everything.
sum might find it stupid. a mistake has been done. hearts were torn. but she still wants him.
she did warn him not to make the same mistake. of course it might happen again. who knows? its a risk. but that's luv kan? luv IS stupid to that extent.

mcm himym s6e24. when ted found himself kept going back to his past. it's life. we wanna be there again. a place where we were comfortable. sure the future is scary, but we learn from the past's mistake n mend it. not to forgone everything. we used it as a guide to live n make up. unless it's a sin to go back. that is how we live. mistake is between a person and Allah. we have no right to blame a person. we r human ourselves. kaaaaannn? :)

oh ya. people do talk. everyone talks. craps. secret. mengumpat. adat. its a way to release everything. especially women. women are created in a way that they need to talk to sumone once they hav a prob. but once they let it out, prob solved. as simple as that. i did the same. i talked too. but im over everything once i did that. but hey i only tell to certain sumone. not everyone in the whole mcm media prima yg nak pegang sume channel tv. i need a solution thats all. :)

lagu nih ckp utk saye. :s

dah la. lets start 2012 with a smile ne? i wanna be me the whole life that im left with. n of course i want all my tangkai aty to be happy and smile all the time. owh! a lot of destination awaits this year which means a lot of memories will be created and thats for sho! cant wait for that! other part of my life, im screwed anyway. planning? x yah nk planning sgt! oyasuminasai! xx

holes inside

If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy.... even if its not with you. Just let them be happy.