huuuuuuuuu comel gilew ctkt epi 86!! hahahaa 10000x tgok msti na gelak jgk! shit i love him more! comel1000x
aaaaargh~ na stdy ari neyh! thats the plan! *inititally*
bgun2~ online as usual~ =dsent ma sis 2 ein's house~ blik2 tgok emy kt umah da~ ^^
dea g amek moto daya gedix kt shah alm then hntar blik umh`
pastu we went out 4 dinner~ tgh2 mkn ade dis cute chinese guy jual dvd~ mama ckp xmo xmo~
tp abah pgl blik dea then, abes trbng rm80 on 11 dvds which i chose half of them~
haha bab2 abes kn dwet ni mmg num 1 =p
after that emy blik uma n i sat on the couch pretnding na stdy~
bkak tv dl b4 bkak buku~ZULHUZAIMI! mude2 plak~! shit! *tutup buku blik!*
abes crite~ bkak buku~ tuka channel v jap
"owh vtunes party larh" bigbang pulak 2~ hermmm gara gara go lalalalala.... *nyanyi2*next song suju~ its u! wonder girls w/ nobody~
thats when i realized HAISH APSL PLAK VTUNES PARTY MCM JKPOP JE NI???mmg jkpop larh!! then ade RESCUE lg~~ >.<uwahhhh *close the book again* mcm mane na siap keje cm ni~??? no idea.
end of today's chapter.