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peaceful days? kinda~~
i did basically nothing today~ huhuhu woke up almost noon had ma 'brunch' online-ing~ pegy bz body at 3pm 4 facial treatment gle arg~ even though today's session was the least painful that i'd received so far but still i came home w/ a face yg mcm da 10 thn x pegy trtmnt~ yeah almost 2 months since ma last visit even the beautician cant seem to remember what she shud put on ma face n it so bad that they had to change ma trtmnt that is special 4 a face like me~ >.< n stupid me- who-dun-hv-the-guts-to-say-no was "forced" to buy a supplement amounted rm300! got back home kipas2 ma mom~ luckily dea x marah~ hahah xD she was like "make sure jd lg chantek! YES MAMA I WILL~ ! huhu
its 1241am am still awake, still x teruja na wat assigmnt, preparation 4 term paper next week, x sntuh lgsg, instead i watched queen of game the whole day!
joo jin moo mmg hawt!!! i dunno sumhow guys w/ dark skin turns me on~! esp those jap, n korean, melayu pon! look at sorimachi takashi, kimutaku, or shud i say awal ashaari? damnxnx the complexion reaaalllly looks good! geram! LOL x pyh jauh2~ i love man that hv skin colour like mr othman harun has! hahaha daddy ur the best! opsss cite industan na start~ chow dl! hahahaha
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