Monday, 28 June 2010
new home new life.. hope so~ ;)
penat giler arh!! x sgke la plak na pnat canni an pndah umah je pon!
1stly~ x sgke brg aku byk gile kot~ smpai 2 kete ;p
pastu~ ulang alik naek trun tgkat 3 sejuta kali smbil angkowt brg2 tu sume~
huish *kalo x berotot lg esk x taw la~ bak kate cik we*
start angkt brg from kmr drpd pkul 5 smpai kul 7 bru sttle sume~
plak tuh g lepak lepas pnat bagai~ smbung agy shopping brg dapo~
ngeee~ syg same kamoo khai sbb tman saye~
hehehehe ;p
tlg angkt brg yg manyak uh, tlg gegeyh menyama laki saye beli brg dapo, n tlg angkt lg sume tu, arigaou ^^v
pas2 smbung lagy decorate sume~
so now da pkul 2am dgn laptop tetiqah nih dpt gak lpas dendam x online da 5 hari~
heeeeeee~~~ rslt bru kuwa 1 je~ tp alhamdulillah paper yg plg ditakuti agak cemerlang~
SUKEEEEEEEEEEE!! *loncat 9 bintang* hahahaaha
so now boleyh tdo dgn aman nye~ good nyte ily!
p/s: nnt okeyh report on langkawi trip plus nawal's wedding in next post
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
beaches!! ^^v
;) had fun with those senget sayangs of mine
as usual we went 2 let it all out at greenie the box~
*we were given extra hours again w 4 vouchers to tke home*
hehehehe so there's gonna b next time 4 sure ;D
took all the girls back to my heaven here in segambut
and gossiping like there's no tomorrow
we didnt realize that it was late till abah came into the ktchen hihihihi
*well sorry abah bwat hingaq plak kt dapoq td*
so let the gossip waits till tmorrow morning.
now im off to bed. n hope that all of them will wake up super late coz i want my beauty sleep!
hahahahaah to my kekasih, see u on sat!so i shall end this with,ooo hello chenang-pasir hitam- beach-n- breezy breezy hot langkawi!! n bubbye city of lights!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
i juz got grey's anat s6 from heidi today!
damn delicious doctors!
well it started off w o' malley's death as a john doe
*believe me its so hard to restrained maself from crying* ;p
but that is juz for a while, after that i cant help grinning till the end of epi one~
i love how sassy- naughty- kinky those doctors can be~ meeeow! n i cant help lol-ing at these scene:
scene 1:
hunt: woh u r evil u r the DEVIL!
yang:yes i am
hunt: christina, u know the rules
yang: rules r stoopid *seriously i cant agree more w her*
scene 2:
lil grey: r u really gay? like how gay r u? on the scale of 1 to gay? cause thats my bf in the shower. my HOT HOT naked bf n how gay r u?
torres: im sorry thats mark. i'll try not to do that again. the naked in the shower thingy. ........ he doesnt look at my boob anymore.the first thing he look when he used to looked out when i walked anywhere was my boob. he doesnt used to look at it anymore. not since he met u~ok?
lil grey: ok
scene 3:
karev: dude get a room
izzie: on d stairs? doesnt it hurt?
grey: we're newly wed
izzie: a post-it wedding doesnt make u r a newly wed
boleyh eyh cm2? *Adess saket pewot* mcm2 la~
naseb mama tade kalo x maw dea sound neyh: suh jd doc x maw yg dok ari2 tgok cita doc pa dea?
uuuuuu btw saye tamo tgok facebook bole?
*na trus snyap je*
tssssk. stab me but plz not by all those gedikness... !
papelarh. bubbye
Monday, 21 June 2010
no biggie! i can say it all out but
hey i love the frnshp more than anythng else in the world
i save my cmments and all here in this particular blog
n in case if it struck rite through whoever it may concern heart
then u know that am pissed off
saying it all out wudnt make any dffrnce anyway~
xknbnde2keciknakecoh! x phm la manusia nih mcm2
ckp slh x ckp slh
ngamok slah x ngamok lg salah
kalo x ckp lg mcm2 tp bile ckp mcm2 plak
ckp blkng kate suh ckp dpan da ckp dpan na ptus abes
doesnt the word frenshp means anything at all
sbb kcik2 na gadoh? motifff~~?????
bek duk diam tgok je korg gadoh, wa x cmpor la weyh!
x kaco org sude~ peace.
pape larh bubbye.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
uuuuu fathers day dis year was awesome~
thnx to the hottest man in my life inchek othman for bringin us for some meat-o-bola treat!
yummyz! no words 2 describe such a heavenly taste food! as alwaaays!
then we went in n looked for stuffs~
bought things for the moving- into- a- new- house- process next week
deymn menyampahkn! well like u hv other choice zaty??
i was successful at defending maself at not buying this cloth thingy from mama
sumhow i lost it to abah! hish i was force to hv it or else there will be nothing for me.
grrr. like i care, its not my ringgit they're usin anyway ;p
rite! now am back home n im officially bored.
i hate the fact that i hv nothin to do~
gosh i rather had pile of work to keep ma head off
rather than laying n wishin for stoopid things.
plus i miss mama so much~ was only able to spent a few hours b4 she had to went back to malacca
won't be seeing her for another 2 weeks~
waah ape gne cuty ni?
feltlikeimlosingsumthinthatihadnotyetnotice.pape la. bubbye.
mood: indescribable
music: f.t island- flower rock
Saturday, 19 June 2010
oh mr holiday! kite kawen jom! ;p
my my my super- duper- lethargic- like- killing- maself- life is history ;D
i was livin a beansprout moment for almost ..... *counting...... still counting* 3 months! ah who cares!
so far 4 this sem what i did was those 'berany maty' thingy~ entered those deadly xm halls bringin almost nothin compared to las 2 smster. well i did absorbed evrything super fast, n i think dat i did well but sumhow, i cant calm maself down when i think of how cruel a person can be when they hold that red pen n start to read my own version of 'fairy tale' on the answer sheet that i wrote. naaah its over anyway.
herrm as for today paper:
1) reached gsm at 830
2) still bz filling in the blank space for my cheat sheet
3) then lin came into the xm hall n gave me a copy of her cheat sheet,
*awww so sweet of her time kaseh syg*
4) but since i alredy had mine so i juz jotted down wut is necessary ;p
5) 9 am still no sign of xm getting started n i was nervous like hell
6) well once the paper was in my hand i cant help like giving the widest smile in the world ;DD
7) at least i knew wut its all about n i hv the idea on wut i had answered.
*SGT BEPUAS ATY DGN PAPER TD- alhamdullillah* now am praying for the best!
i need *desperately* an A at least for 1 paper!!!
then we went out for lunch n yes was dragged by my dear khai for his new hair cut!
so now~ here i am back in my room, probably this gonna be my las day here after 4 years of spending time in the college. sadness, laughter n all the ups n down created here will remains. *sob3x* ='( gonna miss all the things here from that balai bencana till the biggest cupboard ever! ;p
well gtg n pack. books are scattering everywhere. i need a space 2 walk to the door at least. lotsa thing to start with, from books, clothes *well im packing for my langkawi trip at the same time* then my teddies *which will prolly take 2 rounds of transferring it to my car* n dun lemme start on my shoes! ngaaaaa~ pape larh ye. bubbye.
mood: touched, relief
Friday, 18 June 2010
lets get through it~ ;P
Thursday, 17 June 2010
hahahaha BEST GILE AH DA ABES PAPER !! eh?
x abes taip agy~ paper investment
x pena2 wat seumo idop stdy mcm nih~
tp kagum tol la tgok sayang2 kuh ni study
dlm mase 2 jam boleyh serap. TERRORIST!
aku yg nangis cm laki maty mlm sblm uh pon
x mampoo na wat cm uh. hbt!
*hish cm bodo* x pe la da abes pon! ;DD
mmg aku wat knduri smalam~ knduri kt mekdi!
pas xm g lpak smpai kne halau blik~
huahahahaha jd melodi smpai lupe diri
tmbah2 plak cik we naek antoo na wat editn panazz kt situ~!
tetiqah cm biase due2 lahap x hengat join tmbah hangit!
melantak mcm org gile sume kot!
knduri mcm las paper yg abes! hahahah
mcm2 version tgok dorg nih
adoyai! skng da tgh ari brm, islaf x cuit lagy~
BERANI MATY SGT! pape lar.bubbye
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
saye ketakutan keamatan
wuuuu~ T.T
got sick yestrday!
hv no idea who's spreading the virus
oh mr fever u know how much i hate u
catch another girl puhleez not me!
there's too much to study~ive lost my will~
i need sumthin to hold on
2 more days till the 1st paper
n here i am having a nervous breakdown!
never ever this kinda feeling strikes me.
saye seeko bdak yg mlas lg las2 menet dan x peduli la same buku
tp tp tp tp tp ..........
wuuuuu sawan la wa cmnih~ kalo tol2 sawan sape na tlg?
yg mmg kejung kt dlm nih sorg2 la jwb nye hahahahaahah
im sick n u had no idea of it
yes im not showing it to ya
im not the kind of girl who need to be taken care
like a toddler- who- doesnt- know- how- to- walk- yet
i knew my limits
but hello~ im still here dun u c me *wave2*
blame the nature for my gedikness
its not my fault that im a girl
a girl such as i am need only a slight concern!
ssh ke?
i know am not that important to u~
it shows~ go ahead tell others the hardship u went through
im not worth it.
im not sumone who u can cry over it kn?
yeah lemme know from sumwhere else
besides, i dunno how to handle it like others can kn?
pape la. bubbye.
*hahahaha celah mane tdo pon x taw*
Sunday, 13 June 2010
oh exam! u r so not invited! ='(
its gonna be a super HECTIC life dis week
finally its final xm week n for sure, as usual i havent prepared anything yet
*deymn am so lazy to start studyin*
17/6~ law+invstmnt
18/6~ brm
19/6~ islmc fnance
yes darlings!
i'll hve DOUBLE paper, law n invstment on thurs, the 1st day!
*am so gonna munta darah on that day*
even though brm and islaf is on diffrnt days
but they were only separated by juz less than half of a day
(make that at least around 3 hours of nap time b4 islaf starts- after adding the fact i hv to study on the sbjct rite after brm till dawn)
ftw ma eyes r so gonna go panda! ^*&%$@#
so far i had only started on law n the progress is only like 0.0000001%
oh im so proud of maself with it! hahahaha
(yupe me never start studyin early b4. it juz that am aiming a lil bit high for this sem)
*prays- ya ALLAH i need a guidance on the xm pls pls pls pls pls pls u know how bad i need this*
Saturday, 12 June 2010
no more pain~
tsssk. im crying like hell inside.
stupid zaty.
seriously im considering on letting go this thingy inside my heart.
its disturbing~!
seriously! at first i thought there's a room but then i learned that he's not movin from the past~
gosh! im tired of this! n seriously now im living it to what is already written 4 me.
its totally not in my hands~
i cant cntrol sumone's heart
*believe me if i can i'll be kame's atm*
hahahaha well, kat-tun's new pv on no more pain released 2day,
it has this dark futuristic rescue pv kinda theme
totally LOVE it! n n kame has eyeliner on like he used to wore in lips pv
*there u go my only reason y i shall love the pv*
hahahaha then there's kame's performance on SC singin aishiteru kara!!!!!
ngeeeee~ i love the song n the words behind it as well
its a plus when he sings it while playin the guitar =D
ok2 enuff on kame n fandoms

i realized 2day that i need to stop playing these songs while drivin':
1) nickelbck's faraway
2) lifehouse's blind
3) blue octber- hate me
4) avenge sevenfold- seize the day
5) youvie n nuno- mnjaga aty
6) seven collar tshirt- faith
or else my mind will wander to my past, eh?
mmg la da lupe but still
i love the memories we had created~ only the MEMORIES, the heart?
my heart is w sumone else atm
who might already get the idea but pretending not knowing it at all x plak mcm aku rase 1 dnie da tawu neyh? org rmai ckp comel tp tah~ papelarh. bubbye.
Friday, 11 June 2010
jinjin akanishi jin ;)
such a fine day n wut i did was hibernating the whole day!
ngeee~ how i love super heavily rain smells on the grass!
*i knew i've mentioned this like 1000 of times already but who cares?*
well was planning to start on my BLE for finals xm~
but sumhow my lappy syg (as usual!) cant be switch on which totally turning me off from the mood n i ended up in lala land instead of studyin'!
aaaah i saw jinjin's cm for u & jin, deymn hes gettin hotter w/ english!!
i wish kame's is as good as his~ tsssk
well kame is in another chapter of my ikemen- who- i wanna- spend- the-rest-of-my-life-with- book.
im reading jin's today! hahahahahaha needtoneedto or else they wont be akame rite?
ok back to jin!
the hair is gettin longer, *oh hotness*
the facial hair, *oh melts n evaporated to the air*
the slang, *oh juz kill me will ya*
the baka! *awwwwww~~ i want him as my bro*
dont lemme start on the neck! ----> crazy
LOL i shud get back to my book now aint i?

i wish the xm is on KT
instead of on the hire purchase agreemnt
me had no idea at all wut on earth am i reading
my desk is totally like it had juz been hit by a garuda or sum monster from mars
my eyes are half open *but still im typing this*
my brain is death 2 swallow the act any longer
i need a break i need sumone to laugh out loud with i need sumone beside me now i need him *uknowwho* i need his soft side which he himself doesnt realize he had one ;)
so im going back 2 lala land again! b4 my mushy2 comes n starts potpet-ing (if there's such word exist) on sumthin impossible for the next 7 generations!
lala land here i come! n hope jin's inside waiting! hahaha
Thursday, 10 June 2010
adesss~ bebai!
duk bilik x leyh gne lappy~
sbb pacik isa ske2 aty g ttp power blik aku!
blik aku je plak tuh! mmg la cr psl org tue nih
aku balik2 x gne ape pon kate aku yg wat sume
cmne wa na setadi na xm nih kalo x de laptop radio bagai
x jln la otak nih!
fuh fuh fuh~ *bace jampi kasi tenang sket*
okayh mmg x mampoo la na calm down lpas dpt brite gempar nih
td kengkonon g klas invsmnt la kan
dpt midterm test blik~
mmg best kan result! plg tggi pon x smpai 20
alasan dea: saye x suke la jwpn same
MMG! ade la plak xm x mo jwpn same
okayh fine kalo dea nk lebeyh x kesah la~
but at least compromise la~ hardcore!
mmg aku x sng ddk da elok2 bajet2 mcm na score *cecewah*
tu pon aku x g klas td~ cube kalo aku dlm klas mase td mmg bisu la trus~
kak liza pon x lalu nk mkn hahahaha
muke seko2 kuwa klas selenge~
naseb ade khai~ bahu dea la jd mangse
x plk mcm na nanges kt lounge td~
x penah2 plak na wat nanges dkat khai mamat tuh da gelabah x psl2
*sory syg x leyh cntrol kejutan mcm tu*
adoi la yai~ mo letop suda na mkn org je owh! yummmz!
owh presntation law td sgt awesome.
even though technicality did happened!
idc! huhuhu
mcm2 aku nmpk td
sorg senyum2 palsu merepek bagai
sorg da jln2 hentak kaki besimpuh ats simen
sorg da bebel mengarut kejadah
sorg da x de keje sgt melukis katun
sorg da jd props pic sume org
sorg da kalut tp wat2 mcm x terusek lgsg
aku? aku observe mereka larh~
mcm2 org la weyh~
tp korng la tangkai aty saye
*tenyum kambeng* ;D
papelarh. bubbye. =.=
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
orange range- ikenai taiyou
a ah mmg nih 2nd post of the day
i hv no idea wut on earth is goin on w/ me~
out of no where,i cant get the song outta ma head,
pdhal da lame kot! well obviously ikenai taiyou reminds me of hana kimi
deymn i love the drama! hotties overload! hahaha
hopefully u yes U! enjoy this as much as i do!
merapuness sebentar x)

kak ina oi da mcm britney spear da aku tgok pic nih~
zaty kaw mmg gile
ade cite kejelesan yg sgt klaka
geli usus wa dgr weyh~
x de makne nye na jeles bkn dea laki aku pon~ amek la amek je x kesah pon~
*cewaaaah pdhal dlm aty: kalo lu rase da lame sgt lu idop n nak maty dgn care mkn wedges vincci wa lu amek la dea~!!
wahahahaha (gelak setan)
yelarh2 kt blog ni je org leyh taw aty aku sbb ditaip sume nye~ kalo dpan2 mmg 7 keturunan pon x kn dgr la dr mulut nih~
*na mara dpan2 mmg x kan la* na wat cane kalo saye mmg baek lg sopan~ ;p
oyeah regarding fg stuffs:
1) da laaaaaaaaaaaaaame gile na mampos x bwang dwet ke arah ittew
2) x taw da pape cite baru pon
3) sgt x mengikuti KT skng *sedeyh ok jinjin x de*
4) da sebulan cd code blue dlm laptop neyh tp x gerak2 pon aku tgok from 2nd epi~
*OMG Pi sgt mcm yonghwa* ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
5) mcm da asek ber kpop je. mane x nye~ kt gsm keliling na psg korea je. blik org kt umah dok gossip psal suju la tah apekejadah la lg. mmg la tpkse terime je smpai mlekat kt otak nih.
6) list drama saye makin makin dan MAAAAKIN pnjang~ *oh cuti smggu nih mmg tu la bakal jd xtvt smbil berpuase* adessss
7) mcm x de haty da (oooooooo plz pull me back in- rase mcm x de life kot kalo x de sume nih)
8) i miss all the girls sgt!
9) 1 thing for sure, i need to get NO MORE PAIN nnt!!! harus harus! ;D
10) these days it always been ihoney n allkpop. lj =history i.e no more ktluv @ newshfan @ jor *pathetic isn't it?* nnt la check out blik.
11) konon2 na delete blog nih n moving to tumblr and twitter. but sumhow over there i found lotsa fg which instead of transferring, i treat it as my 2nd lj. hahaha i love tumblr!! sng sbb boleyh cnnect dgn twitter trus. =D
setakt ni tu je yg mampoo difikirkan psl mende2 nih.
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa da na abes sem xmaw xmaw xmaw~ T.T
i looooooove ma life now xcpt for the fact yg keje byk la kan
tp tu sume org pon x suke so x pyh la mskkan dlm sampel data idop nih, eh?
kejadah na BRM sgt~
well now sume keje pon da siap lps bejaya mendiktatorkan diri suh sume siap kan by wknd ari tu
*smbil wat muke balagak na maty* bahagie syiot! rase cm na trbng smpai sane~ tettt! huahahaha
tp pape la sgt org len plak bz~ aku je sonok seko2 hampeh la kan~
abes tuh skng maw g jln2 kaco org~
na study? perlu ke? lmbt lg~
x leyh a awl2 x msok otk bace kot
slap2 time bace wa leyh berangan kawen ngan jaejoong~ eh? eh?
oh cite psl da na final nih terigt las sem time ujg2 final wat gile~
n tibe2 nmpk 1 pic yg sgt decent (trus wat wllpaper kt phone jap)
tah nape tiap kali *penekanan di tiap tu ye*
tgok msti na senyum smpai tlinge
then mcm na pegy kt makhluk dlm tu n tarik dea pastu tamo lpas da!
(hahaha pape kalo suh aku tgok muke dea sehari suntuk x yah wat mnde laen pon aku sggop)- a ah mmg x mcm org gile ayat kaw nih
comell ngok =)) trigt mase tgkp pic tuh~
x taw pon ade yg menangkp pndang dpan je ade cam
then trus kitorg snyum n klik! muke na cowmot2 tp baek2~
*mmg la baek* ;D
nyaaa~ drpd melalut dan merapu baek p mandy la atie. pape la kan. bubbye.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
ade aku kesah?
Td aku g alaman jap dgn harapan na dpt kasut pth mabeles yg hamper 100 hengget dkt nose tuh pas dscnt tggl 50 je kot!!! Kasot yg di idam2 kan sekian lamew~
Smgt gilew kot pkng dkt2 sbb na laju2 capai n melantak cm buaye sbb mmg lapa na maty ah mase tuh~
Skali cm mengong~ kasot tuh xde~ pegy la vincci pth blik g nose pon x de yg bekenan~
pas2 aku jupe la 1 kasot yg mmg cunz kt nichii below 50~
Mmg mak x tggu da nyah grab je trus~ huahaha
Ok lpas tuh sptotnye gmbire la kan tp aku mcm serabowt skit ah dgn keadaan x psl2
Bkn na kate tp mmg aku x ske mnde2 alah kejadah nih~
Yg da elok2 boleyh terime pg td sbb redha je tp mlm nih bile dsuruh cover part org laen mmg pntang la sgt!! SABA PON ADE LIMIT~ x kesah la weyh kalo ko saket ke, hape ke, tibe2 sbb ko byk keje ko x leyh dtg sbb kne submit keje ari ni~Eh hello tlg kasi alasan yg munasabah sdkt boleyh x? mcm la dea sorg je ade keje? Duh LIKE SERIOUSLY? IS IT MY PROBLEM THAT U CANT FNISH UP UR WORKS ON TIME? AGAIN DO I CARE IF U HAVE TONNES OF WORKS TO SETTLE? MCM LA KAW SORG JE ADE KEJE MELAMBAK DOWH~ Ok fine la if dea x siap keje ke, dea byk keje ke, dea BYK NA MAMPOS keje na siap ke, tp jgn la kacaw aku! ITS UR PART DEYMN IT! NOT MINE! Knape aku yg na kne cover n knape org x rase mcm aku pon ade keje byk jgk la weyh! Apesal aku boleyh je settle *penekanan bkn na belagak ye di sini* or if x settle pon paam2 la weyh tggungjwb kaw~ ITS UR RESPONSIBLE!
sia2 ade 2 insan tepilih nmpk aku tekan hon kete smbil meroyan x psl2 tanpa arah tujuan td~! Nseb x de mangse tekejut tgh jlan~! Kepada kwan2 kuh tolong larh TOLONG SGT2 !!! kalo da name grup work as a team la jgn ckp je byk tp keje x wat!
Ye mulut saye, saye punye suke, sape terasa, MMG NA BG TERASA, rase nye bkn aku je yg da kne byk da mangse b4 nih~ kalo keje x effect org laen kaw nye ske la weyh~ tp kalo da sbb kaw seko2 mslah 1 grup x dpt wat keje mmg cr mampos! Tlg jgn na bwang mase aku dtg saje2 tgok org tu tgok org ni jelling sane sini x de mende na wat n lpas tuh balik sia2~ LIKE SERIOUSLY?
Time maen2 mmg aku maen banyk sgt tp time keje serious larh! smalas2 aku pon x ssh kan org.Papela.bubbye.