i am desperately in 4 need sum strength to hold on 4 few more days~
wuuuu~ T.T
got sick yestrday!
hv no idea who's spreading the virus
oh mr fever u know how much i hate u
catch another girl puhleez not me!
there's too much to study~ive lost my will~
i need sumthin to hold on
2 more days till the 1st paper
n here i am having a nervous breakdown!
never ever this kinda feeling strikes me.
saye seeko bdak yg mlas lg las2 menet dan x peduli la same buku
tp tp tp tp tp ..........
wuuuuu sawan la wa cmnih~ kalo tol2 sawan sape na tlg?
yg mmg kejung kt dlm nih sorg2 la jwb nye hahahahaahah
im sick n u had no idea of it
yes im not showing it to ya
im not the kind of girl who need to be taken care
like a toddler- who- doesnt- know- how- to- walk- yet
i knew my limits
but hello~ im still here dun u c me *wave2*
blame the nature for my gedikness
its not my fault that im a girl
a girl such as i am need only a slight concern!
ssh ke?
i know am not that important to u~
it shows~ go ahead tell others the hardship u went through
im not worth it.
im not sumone who u can cry over it kn?
yeah lemme know from sumwhere else
besides, i dunno how to handle it like others can kn?
pape la. bubbye.
ini larh katil wa utk smgu neyh
*hahahaha celah mane tdo pon x taw*
wuuuu~ T.T
got sick yestrday!
hv no idea who's spreading the virus
oh mr fever u know how much i hate u
catch another girl puhleez not me!
there's too much to study~ive lost my will~
i need sumthin to hold on
2 more days till the 1st paper
n here i am having a nervous breakdown!
never ever this kinda feeling strikes me.
saye seeko bdak yg mlas lg las2 menet dan x peduli la same buku
tp tp tp tp tp ..........
wuuuuu sawan la wa cmnih~ kalo tol2 sawan sape na tlg?
yg mmg kejung kt dlm nih sorg2 la jwb nye hahahahaahah
im sick n u had no idea of it
yes im not showing it to ya
im not the kind of girl who need to be taken care
like a toddler- who- doesnt- know- how- to- walk- yet
i knew my limits
but hello~ im still here dun u c me *wave2*
blame the nature for my gedikness
its not my fault that im a girl
a girl such as i am need only a slight concern!
ssh ke?
i know am not that important to u~
it shows~ go ahead tell others the hardship u went through
im not worth it.
im not sumone who u can cry over it kn?
yeah lemme know from sumwhere else
besides, i dunno how to handle it like others can kn?
pape la. bubbye.
*hahahaha celah mane tdo pon x taw*
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