olla peeps *wave2*
well its been a week n as usual i still didnt do my works yet
*bak kate cik lin alaaaaaaaaaasan mmg ade saje, hehehe*
so i juz came back home from gossiping w hid at our usual lepaking spot at hartamas *luckily i didnt encounter any uninvited fellows like always which allow us to spilled out everything heart to heart w/o leaving any details off* so here's d deal she kinda think that she's in love AGAIN! yes again. n the guy involves in the story this time is sooo her type. i knew it she's gonna fall for him when she told me bout him for the 1st time. T.T but who cares as long as she's happy with the guy, i guess i have to be occay w it. *idk y she always ended up w a loser. i juz hope that dis time round he's the one for her. even if it means that i may have a prob later on to get along w him * *bak kate cik lin alaaaaaaaaaasan mmg ade saje, hehehe*
everybody. us. we set certain criteria in everything. the highest possible that we can attain. sumtimes it may fall out of the boundaries of our own limits, nevertheless it kept us moving. what both of us learned from the merepek moment juz now is that life, emotions, feelings are meant to be tested. its either u r brave enough to take the test n win over it or juz seat still n watch the opportunities walk away in front of your eyes. alrite, let jz wait n see how long this story will last long.
for the time being, i still dun get what bib meant with what she found out during breaking fast today. might go n strangle her for explanation next week. *bdak hyper dpt munge ni ade mase plak na perasan mende2 x ptt* ;p
ok babai
*::*y cant i stop mentioning u in every sentence that come out of my mouth?*::*
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