oh i know i look super duper menggalah in the pic but who cares? the wedges looks hot anyway! haha. *slaloo smpai tlinge afiq je kalo pkai nih smpai telupe plak kwan2 saye sume nye rendang belake* ops!
so mggu neyh bejuang lagy demi mncari rezki utk ank2~
takowt~ tp i guess everybody needs to deals w it rite? as suggested by heidi on the dilemma part, im taking the chill pill, there's a rationale in every happenings, im aware of that.teringat abahnye ayat tibe2 time na kuwa kete-
"its nothing! pegy je dgn niat tade pape. jgn pikir NAK sgt2~ ilek suda~ kalo dpt, dpt la, kalo x tpt laen byk lagy. bile da pikir na sgt tu yg stress smpai gelabah2. ni hah tgn da sejuk2" ish!---- tgh kiss pown bleyh kene kan ank dea nih
hahaha iloveuabah!
so for the next one, chin up zaty, walk the confidence and nail them! =) *amboih* haha
eyh ganbatte minna! :D

"yg nih mmng muke ko sgt! dgn molot2 cm2" ish!
so ltk kat cni aci x? hahaha
*::*Uhn Je Na Nul Seng Gahk Ha Go ee Suh*::*
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