gosh! freakin freakin insomnia! n its on weekend.
wut is more pathetic than that?
oyeah a scene in grey's anatomy jus hit me;
where lil grey saw sloan carrying his new born baby gal
lil grey: can i ask u a q?
yang: bring it!
lil grey: wut is it about guys w babies that makes women go crazy? i mean its like when u r at a park n u r seeing a guy w a puppy n normally u wont even notice the guy. but then he's laughing, n the puppy crawling all over him n he's tickling the puppy, lil puppy's belly n u r thinking- i wont mind spending the rest of my life w that guy. WUT IS THAT? *pointing at sloan*
yang:everyone is looking at the baby n no one is looking at mark. except u!
haahaha. tekene batang idong dowh. dis is also the reason y i'd fall for ehem whoever. juz by holding a random cute lil girl in a shopping mall. seriously, mule2 xde hal pon. tp lpas insiden tu *kire2 dkt 2 thun lpas, smgt waja lg bru start mba* i was hooked. by crook. HARD! until now, the image is still inside me, my heart precisely. ala mcm cite2 dlm tv tu, yg kalo nak flashback, mmg dpn mate je nmpak insiden tu. orng tue2 ckp- jgn benci sgt, jgn nak meluat sgt nnt syok jgk bru tawu. yep. tssk. sy mmg da tekene. n smpai sekarang x meluat lgsung dah. buat la ape pon mcm da kne jampi. pape la kan. dah na smbung blik. 1 more epi 2 go n im done! :D yeaay!
conclusion: i shall avoid guys holding, playing, tickling or even mention of kids.

haa ni la dea contoh subjek yg mengugat keimanan pmpn2 yg x brapa nak betol mcm sy neh. da kalo duk uma pon nk berpolo bagai :*
*::*makin hari makin perempuan!*::*
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