aci x kalo ckp rindoo them sgt? i mean i miss studying! sape x kn? one of my friend even blurted out that he regretted for not spending most of his time w us. too late to regret. x elok kan na nyesal2.spend mooore time w us today if u had time k? its time to move forward. with everything remains the same of course! :D
those days. w those people. everything is on impulse. suke atyyy je. kne hentam after that is not a question as long as we're happy w it. childish kan? but hey only children knows how to have fun! :D
those days. w those people. everything is on impulse. suke atyyy je. kne hentam after that is not a question as long as we're happy w it. childish kan? but hey only children knows how to have fun! :D
today. we're still the same. in a way. ehemm. *x nk komen sgt* one or two of them are getting hitched. *rase tua jap* congratz to them. n hopefully they'll live a good life till the hereafter. *prays* n as for me, no plans. im just enjoying wutever is in front of me. thats better i guess. hope is not a choice anymore. coz once i hope i'll hoped hard (oke ini perkataan drpd dictionary zaty version 18) n it'll get harder if my crystal ball of hopes shatters. x snggop.

seriously. ini betol.
oke bai. wish me luck for HP meeting esok! aaja! :D
du beon dasi nan deu nugudo saranghal suneun eobseul kkeoya