awwww omedetou sesayangs. mood konvo x abes lagi.
16.10.11 marks another history in my life. it was the day which i had received my MBA scroll after 1 n a half year of wonderful moments. frankly, at first i was pretending not to think at all about the day. seriously, haty telampau leteyh nak crite konvo2 nih. malas. a year full w ups :D and down T.T since last october. the ups was seriously great but the down were painstakingly hurtful. wadeber!
until the day itself. dressed w my new turquoise kebaya,a step into fep, it strikes me straight away. how much i'll b missing the place. after almost 5 years in upm im now off for good. nak smbung lg? insya Allah. upm lg? x kot. nnt menung je keje. terigt2. bek x yah. but who knows faith might be the other way round. oh yeah thanx to pak lang n mak lang sggop dtg jauh2 semate2 na layan kegehedikan sy. ngee~
the next day, was the climax of all. we went out for a photo shoot session throughout the whole campus. lg saayu. diam je mule2. mamai lg plak. kne bahan lg. ;_; all the feeling mixed up. nak lempang orng ade. nak pelok orng pon ade. nak membebel pon ade. sume lah! but it was lethargically fun! that particular day did pumped up my adrenaline to do it all over again. :p
yeah i know i didnt talk much coz i dun feel like doing it. but that doesnt mean i didnt enjoy the shoot. da kalo dasar kaki pose, x de makne nye lah tanak enjoy an. sgt suuke! mesti gelak seko2 mcm orng gile kalo terigt mcm2 hal.
CONCLUSION:I LOVE U GUYS N GIRLS SGT! sy doakan korng yg bahek2 je in everything!
nota kaki:
i used to hope for another story for my convocation. love. flowers. oh and sum smile dat cudnt be taken off the whole day. pictures together. selca together. hands. winks. jokes. and laughter. i had built up hopes. waaaaaaaaaaaay to high. to the level where i wish that i'll b seeing my picture w whoever this might concern in the same convocation pose as mama and abah had one hung up in their bedroom even after 40 years from now . yeah i know. im much of a sentimental when it comes to particulars of a lifetime event. thats how i appreciate things. but even though it had turned out the other way round. it was blissful enuff and filled w lotsa of love for me to cherish for life. the end.
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