today. am back to work after a not-long-enough break of eid adha.
back in dat damn bored mortgage department. doin nothing.
but today ive learned a lot. on relationship n stuffs! *see dis is how u occupied every minute of ur boring life- rambling*
a fren was having a prob w her girl. dis and dat, cut it short. we found out dat his girl is sumhow is similar to me. of course not the look coz she's waaay too cute to compare to me at the 1st place.i mean perangai. from all of this, sumhow i got wut ive been looking for after the downs.
i admit. im the kind of girl who love to potray herself as a strong-hearted girl to every guy that ive met. i shud be hardcore. *of course physically not the other part eheh* as if im always okayh. there always a positive side of everything. i NEVER look at things negatively. let juz say, my gf, she doesnt reply to me, i wud definitely wud not think that she hates me, but instead she prolly is busy with her workloads or she needs sum time to be alone n she'll come back for sure. i hate to think on the dark side. well if she doesnt comes back after such a looong time, i know there's sumthing wrong.
well this might not be the same to her. she might thinks that im ignoring her, totally taking things for granted. so the result of our so-called impromptu meeting today was communication.
ckp la sume bende. ckp jeeeeee. bia la orng nak marah or wut. sakit kan je haty orng. jerit je la sesuka haty. at least that one side will know ur side of story. n things wud come in handy if it'll ever happen again. :)
im a noob. so i dun chipped in much today. who am i to sebok2 kan. juz let the faith works its charm. there's always sumthing good in everything. Allah x kan bg dugaan kalo bukan nak menguji hambanya. igt smpai maty. but still if things can be work out. sort it. jgn bia mcm tu je. ape pon x dpt. if we truly want sumthing or someone we work for it. hasil x dtg begolek. serupe la itu MLM! ddk2 duit masok peluh setitik x kua. BUT! ade but ok. if it involve sumone, it takes two to tango. cubelah tango sorng2 kalo nk jd badut. life must go on. with everything remains im still surviving. oke bye! off to bed. oyasuminasai from me n kiiro! :p XX

yes. mistake is to be forgiven. lesson is to be learnt.
trust wont ever be the same. but all the memories created ties everything back together.
mama pesan: once everything goyah the only thing that cud gam us back r the memories.
i guess ours wasnt strong enuff. dat it doesnt seems like i lekat within u a bit pon even if u were like a gam gajah inside here.
blergh blergh blergh wutever!