im fine. seriously. inspite of the bleeerrrgh-wutever feeling everyday at work, im ok. when they told me that we have to attend the- ceo- wud- like- to -get- to- know- u -people- better luncheon session, it doesn't hype me at all. pepape je lah. lunch je lah. present je lah. exam je lah. wutever. there u go. aak? *pergh statement!*

laughter! mcm da lame x gelak seikhlas haty. :( excitement! i need that too! i need maturity. like seriously. i need strategic thinking and i need to work my brain out! hah! c'mon. orng ptt bersyukur. x de keje. dduk lepak gaji masok. no wonder rich people dont goyang kaki. now i know y! but hey, jgn merungut. oke u might merungut skali dua, but pelis la zaty always look down to those who r unfortunate instead of looking up and learn to be thankful for everything.

laughter! mcm da lame x gelak seikhlas haty. :( excitement! i need that too! i need maturity. like seriously. i need strategic thinking and i need to work my brain out! hah! c'mon. orng ptt bersyukur. x de keje. dduk lepak gaji masok. no wonder rich people dont goyang kaki. now i know y! but hey, jgn merungut. oke u might merungut skali dua, but pelis la zaty always look down to those who r unfortunate instead of looking up and learn to be thankful for everything.

seoul garden is so sedap!
Alhamdulillah for all the rezeki.
there's people outside there who doesnt know wut seoul garden is n of course how tasteful it is!
so from my goyang kaki today, id watched the whole epi from season 2 of how i met ur mother. 1 epi simply touches me. episode 12- first time in new york. well apparently, im not the only one who actually take time to say those three words. i might have said it to numbers of people casually but to actually say it to one particular person is such a big step. coz i never did. oke i lied. i did once but nvm. for me it means the whole world. like robin wud mumbled everytime she thinks she cud reply it back to ted, i always did the same too. but the scenario here is that ted understands bout it, n he doesnt mind waiting coz he loves her. juz as simple as that. and at last she did it. w whole her heart she loves him. every single things takes time. especially for first timer. we take time to grow. we take time to get to know each other and accept flaws. we also take time to develop. and yes we do take time to change our routine. we need time for everything. yet time is limited. so yes im spending my free time for some lompat2 coz i need one. so 2pm im ready to PUT MY HANDS UP! n to travel to planet pit. :D alrite enuff w the rambling, im continuing to the next epi.
u had opened up a new horizon for me, n im thankful for that.
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