Yes. As per the entry's title, in 3days time we'll put a step on 2012. 2011 was a mess. A HUGE mess. Be it on life, jobs, goals, dreams, etc. It was full of memories that were painstakingly hurtful yet sugar coated well with a fake smile. I wasted a year. 2011. I didn't grow. I didn't move a bit. I didn't make a step. it was a year where I wish I cud erase from my memory. oh boy, i wish i cud. I did everything. I achieved wut I wanted yet it was empty n I needed more. Manusia. Xpernah puas.
*gelakkan diri seniri* i covered almost all of my things- i- swear- i- wont-b-able-to-do list, the sense of accomplishment was juz in a blink of an eye. the next thing i know, im back to square me.
positive happenings did happen in 2011. eg:
1)i was the happiest a couple of months in early 2011.
2)1st job yg x mcm job sgt
3) increment secare tibe2
4) awesome new adek beradeks :) syg korng!
5) i graduated w flying colours! officially can call myself a MBA graduates.
6) i get through mecha scary obs. *mecha is a word which is used by japanese to describe a situation that is extremely extreme*
7) i learn LOTTTTS of things. sgt bnyk. from the basic of banking till the shouting-out-ur-throat to either hit the bid n offer side in Forex trading. which i never thought of learning about before.
8) i learn that shutting ur mouth wont move u a step. i.e marah je la kalo nak marah,
9) i met new frenz who defines perfectly how small a world really is.
10) i went to countless number of concerts. *dreams come true*
11) i sky track-ed *impossible me became possible*
12) wall- climbed *wut have i turned myself into?*
13) i managed to keep my own self exactly happy as the people in himym. *dun bother im addicted to this series of 5 bunch of people who cudnt let go of each other despite of everything that had happened between them. how lovely.*
14) oh at last, i can buy my own stuff sesuka haty. hahaha. :D
15) i purposely agreed w mak tam to get a hot bod like nicole sherzinger.
this long list can last forever. i did lot of things juz to keep myself bz n not thinking. in fact i dont think at all nowadays. i do what i want n i make sure i get what i want.
the negative happening: i dun really want to mention here. let juz say, this particular thing did taught me a LOT on my own attitude. i dun feel any pain at all when im w u, it was always a good memory to reminisces n im grateful for that. in a way i've become a better person now :)
apart from all the major happenings, im thankful for it but still, i seriously wish for 2010. A year where I won't forget every single thing in it. A year where major big steps were taken. I was out of my boundaries n I'm proud w who I am back then in that particular year. I hope that 2012 will be another 2010 for me. Where I was totally me. Not a gal who pretended to b what everybody else wants me to be. not sumone who is pathetic as i am at the moment. and yes definitely not sumone who can be pushed away sesuka haty. Aku kecik aty sgt dgn 2011. tu je. sbb xnk pertahankan wut is suppose to be tahan. i guess i must grow with it now. nak make it up sgt! but the damage has been done. Oyasuminasai.
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