No matter what gets in the way. Wut urs is urs. Kan! Kalo da rezeki ade la. Kalo dah jodoh ade la. Hidop ni makin lama makin betambah umo. Human age! We age too fast to mingle around silly stuffs i.e broken hearted.
Ni lah dea. Pempuan. Here goes nothng. If he is caught by others, he shudnt be urs at the 1st place pon. He shudnt get attractd at the 1st place.ya yah time wasted. 4 5 thn tgu, ape la sgt 4 5 thn compare to 6thun? Betol x? At least x bnyk sgt masa terbazir. How shud i rephrase this, tke evrythg as a lesson in life. Yg baik kite canang yg burok simpan sndiri. Move on. The bar will be set higher next tme.
A woman needs a man beside her. N so does a man. Thats how we are created. To patch any holes in each other. But to be able to stand alone is wut matters. Mati esok ni x dak sapa2 taw x? We will be bury separately. Judge separately. At the end we r on our own. So pls. Jd kebal. At least on the outside.
Let it flows. Qada' qadar xdak sapa bleyh lawan. Live wutever u r living today at ur best.
Literature Review: Some Quick Tips
5 years ago
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