cant stop watching it since i started n its only 5 epi!!
DEYMN kne tgu next wk for next epi~~~
she got to:
- hug him
- look at him straight in his eyes
- smell him
- KISS HIM 4 GOD SAKE~ *glew time ni aku jerit 1 umah! agk nye seblah pon leyh dgr jeritan kedengkian tesebut*
- he doesnt wanna admit that he loves her yet when she was out there looking for that stoopid anatomy doll he went out n searched for her like a mom who juz lost her child
- he doesnt admit that he loves her yet he cant c her tears falling down her cheek *this is where the hugs come!*
- he doesnt wanna admit that he loves her yet he keeps on bullying her to do this n that!
- he doesnt wanna admit that he loves her yet he risk his pride for her~~
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *hyperventilates*
the best part is when he realized that he do loves her!
- when he tries to calm his own heart when she falls for another guy
- ahh n the part where he pulls her to his chest as he can no longer bare her tears~~ *gaaah*
- menumbuk2 dada sniri yg pnas kejelesan~ haish *cute na mampos!*
- n bile dea dush2 dgn suuuuume org sbb xmo bg sunako kawen dgn pervert tu~ *yucks10000x*
kame did a SUPERB job on portraying kyouhei! xcpt the fact that he didnt blonde his hair *well thnx god for that* personally, i love kame's version of yamanade better than the original version. well, i dun usually go for anime anyway~ . =p
cop! stop psl yamande.
today tade pape yg terjadi xcpt the fact that:
- i got scold for buying a new bag~ herrm naseb ade cik nad x larh tggi sgt tahap leteran td.
- n to cik nad thank u so much for the bday present! its my fav of body shop! =)
- zati still x leyh function. yes indeed he do has sumone inside his heart. chances that im the girl is like 0.000000001. x de sign pape pon. well instinct la hopefully slp. huhu seriously how pathetic more can i be atm? tataw tataw tataw! naseb baek tgh cuti. at least i have the time to calm down. think straight. properly adjust to every input. hopefully i can accept the fact in the next 2 weeks or i dun even know how on earth am i gonna start a slight conversation anymore. btol. i dun wanna ruin the frenship. once zati opens up her heart to anyone, it seems like there wont even be a door with an exit sign on top of it. *xcpt for penipu la* but he isnt 1! he didnt do anything which make it harder *berusaha zati!*
- aigoooo~ lg 1~ kok nih's mocha got married already which reminds me of my machiatto~ herrm tah idp lg ke x? no idea. yg pntng he's not that important as lelaki ini. i mean if we weren't meant 4 each other mmg serabut since there's frendship n everyone else. plz la 'if btol2 ske ckp je la' hahaha bodo je ayat!
well finished with hid's ratio. nothing else to do. so my next marathon is gonna be mr. goodbye! *lameee da smpn na tgok ni* n im downloading u r beautiful *for the sake of yonghwa* hahaha
location: in front of desktop
current music: yamapi- loveless
current mood: pth haty. x kuase na lyn