Friday, 26 February 2010

cause i cant stop thinking bout u~~ lalalalala

DEYMN moving on is hard!
lg 1 mggu je cuti n its getting harder to let go.
n its gonna be impossible after that!
i did almost everything keeping maself from the thought
pgg gitar blik- pon na men lagu sedeyh2 HISH!
tgok vid x berenti- agk nye sbb tgok ur beautiful sbb 2 x jln.
pantang tgok heartbreaking scene + hong ki's tears kills me!
yup hes not moving~ n saw something that i shouldn't have~ stupid fb!

so im living it to god's will
if he's the one than he'll be mine~ THAT JUZ IT!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


yamande epi 6 is out! n there goes kame's hair! awww syg gilew ptg naseb jd elok~ huhuhuh arghhhh yg plg x menahan dlm epi ni~!


that is like my dream 4 god's sake!!
haih2~ hotness is overwhelming when everyone betumbuk w/o their shirt on!! hehehehehe *gelak gatai*

well its 24th feb! yesterday was my dear KAZUYA KAMENASHI otanjoubi!!
omedetto sweetheart!

seems like yesterday we had a gathering for his 23rd. its been a year since then. time flies people! i cant believe he's 24 yet he already owns everything! from car, house, name EVERY SINGLE THING THAT A MAN CAN DREAM OF! seriously he's like everything and it has been this way since almost 3 years! the time n money that i spent on this particular man who i adore does mean a lot to me. i thank ALLAH for creating such a puuuuuuuuuuuurfect guy 4 me to idolize! hahaha *poyo gilew* but hey thats the truth. he change every single thing in my life, from my routine, lifestyle, taste, relationship! yes i do have a high hopes in man since i know how high a man can go w/o having to rely on education but juz by striving for what they want.

For being a hardworking man u are, for being able to cheer up my entire day, for the motivation u gave me, for being a superb idol, for being an adorable person n for being who u r, u amaze me. =D
zati wish u all the best and may u be the next big thing!


hahaha smpat jgk siap kan ni juz for the day demo~ my compaq syg sumhow buat hal~ ngade2 x nk save this vid~ since it took me like 2 hours in total 2 make this vid~ asek tepadam sniri tibe2 x bg signal! herrmmmm sbb da bwat n teruja na upload bertahan la 8jutax ttp bkk blik~ huuuuu at last IM SATISFIED! well cant resist jin's hotness in the mv so i juz leave the part in the vid!

regarding my life~ ntah knape berpuas haty plak sepanjng hari~ maybe sbb ur beautiful kot~! IM OFFICIALLY A YONGHWA'S FAN! glew hot! apsl kecik2 da hot! bak perlian eddy zain td~ grr YES I AM into kpop lately and i blame this man! alaaa mmg da tebiase dgn mama yg ske sgt tgok korean drama. harus la ade tempias2~ tp itu la dea korean guys hanye ade effect hot tp still i need the X factor yg ade ps kame itu! huhuhuhu x puas haty sbb bkn yonghwa jd 1st hero~ ok na smbung blik! chiao!
location: ats katil
current music: KARA - lupin
current mood: di awangan

Saturday, 20 February 2010


gle. x btol.
cant stop watching it since i started n its only 5 epi!!
DEYMN kne tgu next wk for next epi~~~

she got to:
  • hug him
  • look at him straight in his eyes
  • smell him
  • KISS HIM 4 GOD SAKE~ *glew time ni aku jerit 1 umah! agk nye seblah pon leyh dgr jeritan kedengkian tesebut*

  • he doesnt wanna admit that he loves her yet when she was out there looking for that stoopid anatomy doll he went out n searched for her like a mom who juz lost her child
  • he doesnt admit that he loves her yet he cant c her tears falling down her cheek *this is where the hugs come!*
  • he doesnt wanna admit that he loves her yet he keeps on bullying her to do this n that!
  • he doesnt wanna admit that he loves her yet he risk his pride for her~~
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *hyperventilates*

the best part is when he realized that he do loves her!
  • when he tries to calm his own heart when she falls for another guy
  • ahh n the part where he pulls her to his chest as he can no longer bare her tears~~ *gaaah*
  • menumbuk2 dada sniri yg pnas kejelesan~ haish *cute na mampos!*
  • n bile dea dush2 dgn suuuuume org sbb xmo bg sunako kawen dgn pervert tu~ *yucks10000x*

kame did a SUPERB job on portraying kyouhei! xcpt the fact that he didnt blonde his hair *well thnx god for that* personally, i love kame's version of yamanade better than the original version. well, i dun usually go for anime anyway~ . =p

cop! stop psl yamande.
today tade pape yg terjadi xcpt the fact that:
  • i got scold for buying a new bag~ herrm naseb ade cik nad x larh tggi sgt tahap leteran td.
  • n to cik nad thank u so much for the bday present! its my fav of body shop! =)
  • zati still x leyh function. yes indeed he do has sumone inside his heart. chances that im the girl is like 0.000000001. x de sign pape pon. well instinct la hopefully slp. huhu seriously how pathetic more can i be atm? tataw tataw tataw! naseb baek tgh cuti. at least i have the time to calm down. think straight. properly adjust to every input. hopefully i can accept the fact in the next 2 weeks or i dun even know how on earth am i gonna start a slight conversation anymore. btol. i dun wanna ruin the frenship. once zati opens up her heart to anyone, it seems like there wont even be a door with an exit sign on top of it. *xcpt for penipu la* but he isnt 1! he didnt do anything which make it harder *berusaha zati!*
  • aigoooo~ lg 1~ kok nih's mocha got married already which reminds me of my machiatto~ herrm tah idp lg ke x? no idea. yg pntng he's not that important as lelaki ini. i mean if we weren't meant 4 each other mmg serabut since there's frendship n everyone else. plz la 'if btol2 ske ckp je la' hahaha bodo je ayat!
well finished with hid's ratio. nothing else to do. so my next marathon is gonna be mr. goodbye! *lameee da smpn na tgok ni* n im downloading u r beautiful *for the sake of yonghwa* hahaha

location: in front of desktop
current music: yamapi- loveless
current mood: pth haty. x kuase na lyn

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

keeping it to herself =/

SUmTiMeS We ThInK Dat We’D alReadY fOuNd SuMOnE Dat wE aLwYz wANTed 4 d ResT oF oUr LifE~
YuP~ sUmBodY tHaT cOuLd TuRN oUr eNtIrE wOrLd UpsidE-DOwn-WiThOuT-EvER-neEd-2-cOnCeRn-AnyThInG-EVa~!

ThE SaMe PeRsOn ThaT cAn SiMply aFfEct uS by:

  • 1. GiVing u gOosEbUmPS WiTh Juz a WiNk and A sIdEwAY SMiLE~
  • 2. MaKiNG Ur HeARt BEatS uNcoNtROlLAblY aS if It Cud JumP oUt OF uR cHEST~
  • 3. mEsSiNg Up Ur DaiLy rOUtiNE
  • 4. sTuCk in UR heAd like 24/7
  • 5. mAke U sMiLe FoR No ReAsOn
  • 6. bE tHE rEaSoN of EVerY aCTiON tHat u GoNna TAkE
  • 7. qUOTiNg the PeRsOn NAme In EVerY SenTenCe tHAt CoME OuT OF uR mOuTh
  • 8. DOn Mind To Go oUt oF uR lImiT as loNg aS ThE pErsOn is wiTh U
  • 9. U StIlL NEed to bE WiTh tHAT pErSoN evEN tHoUgH tHE whOle WOrLd is w U
  • 10. The NEeD 2 lOok aT THe PeRsoN jUz 4 A sEc peR dAy wHiCh Cud TuRn Ur Day InTo a fAiRy lanD!
yeah not only me in fact all of human being in every tiny bits part of the world is in need for the person as the other half! sumtimes we may think that he or she is the one but it may only be on a one sided base! people may say that a girl and a boy are not meant to be good fren! idk! it may be true in a way but sumhow i simply cant accept the view! i mean its totally up to us how to turn things around. but for me a confession may spoil the relationship that we had share as frens.

people around told me to gv it a go~ he's ok w it~but dun they think that there's boundaries need to be cross~ dun even start on the guts! the most important thing is that to ensure that we shared the same feeling or else it will wreck everything! i dun need a confession to mess up everything. juz being w him make me see through his heart. he's not into it and that juz it! well maybe i was wrong but it doesnt look like he moved on~! n who am i to be another person if he still cant forget his old flame? i have no power to turn around everything!

frens said that we r a thing n he's available and me juz have to work harder. i did n it turn out good but now =.=; i've lost my interest not toward him but to try my best. he's not responding as he used to. what i wanna do now is juz to wait! MENUNGGU! titik. x nk teheges la! i know usaha tangge kejayaan but only if it doesnt involves feeling! what usaha can i make if the kejayaan is .................................... T.T

LatELy aLGloomy_bearL I cOuLd ThInK oF iS jZ Ma LiFe~
HoW pLaiN IT wAS~
No ADvEnTuRe~
no UpS n DoWN~
Oh CoMe On~ hOw BoRiNg coUlD iT b MoRe~

FeeLs LiKe EvErYThIn’ S RuIn~
mA miNd StARtS tO WanDeR tO aNoTheR diMEnSIoN oF LiFe~
ThInKiNg oF tHe PosSIBiLiTy~


IF i’M sTroNg EnOuGH~
IF i AvE D gUts~
IF I Jz LeT iT b d waY iT wAS
If I cOuLd Jz LeT hIM kNoW~
LiFe WoUlD B mUcH bEttEr~ i GUeSs~

so thats the end of ma oh-so-boring ramble of my stupidness. gle x de keje. otak merewang mende gile. haty x btol. sume terabor. cuti mmg best. tp seriously x keruan.hahaha bodobodobodo.

location: on the couch
current music: kamenashi kazuya- aishiteru kara
current mood: MAW DEA!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


yeaaaaaaay! dpt kalahkan daya men boling! hahaha xD at last daya pancit td!
hurrrmmmm kenyang sgt kot~ mane x nye! td abah ajk pegy lunch at de palma hotel ampang!
mak aih sdp btol~ menu yg msok dlm perowt td ialah:

1) chicken chop

2) hot dog yg gile aaaah besa

3) oriental rice set w/ chicken n fillet
4) nasi goreng kampng dgn chicken wing
5) cucur udng + psg gorng + kledek grg+ dan segala2 nye gorng
6) Cantonese mee

7) teh tarik
8) double happines juice
9) ice cream goleng
10) sandwich tuna + telur
11) etc

hahahahaah ni ade larh menu utk 6 org je tp mcm nak double je! hahahaha
pastu blik gatal g men bowling~! herm 3 game pon jadi larh kn sume da gian na loncat!
afiq agk frustrated sbb x dpt score normal dea~ x yah kate normal minimum pon x smpai! hahaha sume men mcm org bru blaja~ x smpai 100 pon tp hyper je lebeyh!
mama ckp x padan dgn x de lesen duk umah x mo~! ni larh time na besuke ria nnt x dpt da! =d
so score kanak ribena yg hyper je lebeyh byk ni je pon! =d well mao tu wakil kolej mmg x leyh lwn larh~ tsssk! x pe next tyme ade lg! 8D jaaaaa maw pegy bermimpi yg indah2! nite2~ *chu!*

location: home sweet home
current music: suju- it's u
current mood: iwantutobemine!

Monday, 15 February 2010

makan day at genting!

.minah ni bru bgun tdow.

2day destination was genting highland! huhuhuhu initially i had no idea that we're going to gnting today.
as i woke up from ma sweet dream, mama ordered us to get ready for another picnic and theme park craziness.
awwwwwwwww wut a lovely surprise *i thought the plan was cancel yesterday at fraser* so i jumped out of the bed, get ready, came down the stairs to find out that everythng was readily cooked by mak tam! hahaha *purrrrfeccct. wut i can only do was to eat all of it!* hehehehe

by the time we reached genting, people were every where. the traffic was hectic. there were securities like all over the place. blocking ways. including the theme park!!*sume org raye kt genting ke? x reti ke na blik kpg? hisssh!*
forget the theme park! it was even harder to find a place to have a perfect lunch! >.< parking sume full. kete kiri kanan lapis2 hish. but sumhow we managed to find a perfect place to hv our lunch! hahah xD ape lg bkak meja lantak ramai2 wat x peduli org~ the best part was where everybdy else saw us n had their picnic at the same spot as well! wawawawa =D yg pntng kami kekeyangan! heheheheh

tade keje

oh the worst part plak! odw trun~ i rceivd an unknown phone call. since i had ignored the phone call last nite~ i decided to answered the phone~ assuming it might be an IMPORTANT call from sumone IMPORTANT whom i might accidentally deleted his/ her num or perhaps sumone i know w a new num!
MY BAD~ it was a he who i dun even know asking where i was n with whom i was at that moment. lpas tu na mtk2 maaf kaco~ its so obvious mmg na kaco pon! d'owh!
after that he sent a text na bekenaln~ eh HELLO????? bile ty mne dpt num! dea boleyh jwb~ "from the police report u did 2 or 3 days ago"

BANGANG BTOL! i mean how cud he? org pegy na wat report elok2 yg skit punye bgos amek num aku pehal? sorry i do have issues w/ policemen! even if u r the cute guy who happened to be there on that nite w me n ma dad n w that pacik polis yg telebeyh ramah tu~ i dun care! thats juz it! X SKE. FULLSTOP! *ade yg ngakoo bini org nxt tme ni*

huuu. na smbng yamanade tp x larat na tgu buffer so kne download la kan~ Jd mlm ini adelah mlam ODAGIRI RYU a.k.a my 1st love! lol ye saye ske ryu. sbb ryu saye ske kat-tun. sbb kat-tun saye da xbtol. kat-tun wat saye lupe diri. sbb cuti2 mcm ni wat saye rindoo! teett!! JAAAAAAA tc!

location: on the couch
current music: CN Blue- im a loner *on repeat*
current mood: MISSING HIM SGT!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Fraser hill day!

wooooohooooo! bru smpai kl from Fraser Hill! not bad tpt ittew~ cant remember precisely when was the last time we were there~ =)
but 1 thing for sure x byk yg berubah~
its still the same fraser hill that we used to go n play like there's no more tomorrow~
1 ayt from abah : ingt x dulu kecik2 kak ti men kat playground cni~?
kompem la x igt abah~! n the playground was not even there anymore tsssk. kenangan btol!
thanx to mama~ we had fun 2day! a wonderfully awesome picnic under the lovely breeze of fraser hill w the sound of birds chirping above us n not to forget *a couple of grasshoppers mating* ~ hahaha
glew smpat lg wat 'penangkapan' serangga2 dkt c2 *siyes tade keje dak nih*
lpas picnic da kompem2 la bercamwhoring spt biase~~ =d puseng2 sepuas rase b4 time trun blik~ mmg rse mcm x mo trun kl da~
mama even wanna stay over nite up there- come back down the next day to genting- jd gile d c2 plak- then bru blik. owh purrffect sgt plan!
but sadly our 'pilot' insisted of taking us back to kl~
dgn alasan:
kite x bwak ape2 to stay here nasi lmak ade larh tsssk. =.=;
well maybe next time.
odw trun ade plak incident yg x sptot nye berlaku d kalangan org2 dewasa ni~~ bleyh plak kan! haih tape larh. da smpai kl sume flat! mcm pegy jungle tracking plak! =p

skng da bgun mase utk melayan smula pape yg ptt!
making of love urself DVD is out! yesterday MS pon sude keluar! ahhhhhhh IFUCKINGLYLOVEHISNEWHAIR!!!!!! *goin crazeyh* rase mcm na picit2! *^&%^$#@# n ouch did jinjin juz dropped 2 2nd place by jaejoong after all these years in most wanted lover? how cud that be? i mean jae's my fav of tvxq but to kick jin of from the 1st place is still unbelievable~ jae is hot but the fact that he's more to 'jambu' type really spoil the image. grrrr. *no offense to jae's fan- juz dun read this*

jaaaa maw pegy lyn yamato nadeshiko shichi henge! *gelak golek2* comel gilew storyline dea~~ well obviously saye jelesh samew itew prmpn 4 living under the same roof w the ikemens!! *pout* wutever it is~ KYOHEI iheartu!

location: dpn tv
current music: CN Blue- im a loner *latest addiction*
current mood: blank

Saturday, 13 February 2010

haty owh haty~~

GRRRRRR. maw tp x maw tp maw *kompius* today is v-day~ n again dis year dpt tgok mama n abah je la an~~~ T.T waaaaa v-day made me think of sumeone~ yes him! how i wish that i have the ability to erase like part of memory~ *At least the part where he exist in ma brain* ok zati CUT IT OFF! lupekan lupekan .................... =.=; uuuuu today me n the hidayahs went out to watch valentine but sumhow we ended up w percy jackson & the lightning thief due to some circumstances where i dun even wanna mention it here! BEST1000x percy is hot! but his dad is WAAAAAAAAAAY hotter!! hahahahaha saye ske bpk percy! poseidon a.k.a mr kevin mckidd! *rase mcm x tekire bp kali tejerit2 dlm cinema td* ngeh3x~

the best part of the day is not the movie but the drama after we went out of the cinema~ T.T i've lost ma wallet! huaaaaa wallet cun yg beli kt vietnam ittew!!! serabowt betol* suda larh sume2 mende dlm 2! from ic to license to bank cards~~ tssssk gile pathetic. naseb ar tade dwet pon~ hahaha da shopping mcm org gile b4 tgok wyg~mmg gone sume!! =.=; SGT X RASIONAL!!! tataw mane pegi! mmg X LOGIC SGT boleyh ilg! sob3x maybe sbb wallet tsbt ade piccie lelaki itew kot? *petanda nak suruh lupekan pape yg ptot n move on?* OPPSSS~ YE LA SAYE MMG DA MOVE ON! x igt pape da. *may he be happy always n we both know that it wont work anyway.* 1 thing 4 sure~ me hv to mke sure that the next guy is not sumeone else's property *finger crossed*

blik2 umah tadah tlinge baeek punye! bwat2 muke sedeyh 15 sen~ trus kuwa g report.
haih2 nsib pacik polis plak telebeyh ramah menegur bagai~ o.0 herrm crite cartoon la di mlm cny 2010. yg pntg kompem2 bz na renew all the things blik. after dat mama ckp na pegy Fraser plak! YEAAAY x saba x saba~ *0* layan je la! yg pntg kne enjoy! 1 thing 4 sure on this particular day i juz wanna wish :

1)cik melati A HAPPY BURFDAY n hope she'll have a great year ahead!
2)happy v-day 2 all

3)gong xi fa cai!

location: home sweet home
current music: 2pm- i hate u
current mood: sleepy

Friday, 12 February 2010

Love urself kimi ga kirai kimi ga suki

SHIT! sumpa geram dgn lagu ni!! again KT never fails to make me go nuts!
kpop mmg best~ but still i need the X factor that can make me go out of breath as what KT did!!
Love urself kimi ga kirai kimi ga suki is seriously awesome like what i xpcted!
from kazu's to jin's english rap! GOSH i didnt know he can do that! the best part is where all the bg music were off n there goes KIMI GA KIRAI NA KIMI GA SUKI by kk! *struck my heart at instant!* melalak mode lg! here goes:

Kisetsu wa mata meguri mekurumeku machi
Daremo kimi no koto wo ki ni tomezu mawaru
Sonna no dou demo ii

Tada kimi soba ni ireba ii

Yasashii kotoba dake narabete mo imi wa nai

Minna katachi dake nakami wa nai
Kanjiru BARANSU chotto kaete mireba
Sekai wa subarashiku miete kuru

Mou muri shinaide
Kokoro no mama kimi no mama
Kagayakeru ai todokete

Kimi ga kirai na kimi ga suki

Bukiyou na kimi de ii

Kanjiru mama kaze
no mama
Hana no you ni sora ni matte
Kimi ga kirai na kimi wo tsutsumu

its love, your love LOVE YOURSELF
its love, your love LOVE YOURSELF
its love, your love LOVE YOURSELF
its love, your love LOVE YOURSELF


ur crazy nara tada mada like paradise

kara dice naga u make me fool

sora moypu wa like a horror

don't be shy baby xoxo kiss the girl

Mawari wa dou demo ii

Taisetsu na no wa kimi no koto dake
Kimari no "ganbare" nante ima wa iranai
Sore ga ichiban kizu tsuku kara
nanatsu no kotoba wa kimi no ni
Sore de subete ga hitotsu no yume ni

LOVE YOURSELF Sou hibikiau
Futari kanaderu chiisa na
Shinjireru ai sodatete
Kimi ga kirai na kimi ga suki Kujikesou na mainichi mo
Kiete shimaisou na yoru mo
Sore wo koe kikoete kuru
Tooku tooku hora kono mune ni

Im singing my love to you

So that u would tell me that u wanna be with me and i feel like ah.. ah..
my love your love my life ur life
this is a new
it's a new world

it's a new world kagayaki dasu
kokoro no mama kimi no mama
sono hito ni wo boku ni azukete
kimi ga kirai na kimi ga suki
Bukiyou na kimi de ii
Kanjiru mama kaze no mama

Hana no you ni sora ni matte
Kimi ga kirai na kimi wo tsutsumu

saye yg ting tong!

weeeeeheeee! ITS HOLIDAY AGAIN!! *jumps2 hyperly!* bru smpai umah from PD maw tdo. tdo.tdo.tdo. n again im back to KT mode! *ke korean?* mcm na kembali ke zmn dolu2 je lyn korean blik~
pssshhh~ dat reminds me of sumthin~!

MANZXZXZXZ td ma mama ckp kalo btaw awl psl suju tix dea da blikan!!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *nanges3x* da sold out bru na ckp kan? T.T
TIBE2 RASE NA PEGY~ ayayaiyayai! ok. lupekan.

yesterday trip to PD was AWESOME10000x!
time kaceh to cujilin n socheloz coz mnjadikan saye knak2 riang blik! ngeh3x~ even though kite smpat tdo like 2hours je *ke 3?* tp mmg enjoy darl! saye mmg ske keje2 gilos tanpa planning ni~ walaopon ta ske mandi laut tp mmg mcm x jupe laut stawon! pdhal x smpai smgu pegi~ nga besh2 lelompat n golek2~ dtg 1 mamat offer nek boat free mmg laju je la accpt! wawawawa dpt gak pusing pulau 3 round~~ ngeh3x ^_^v
yg pnting jupe 'duyong' ats darat! hahaha mongok je macix2 ni~ cbe larh kreatip ckit!
da a taleyh grak lg na wat lawak pastu kepoh bile jd earthquake~! lalalala~
pastu blik pgg perowt sume na mkn ikn bakaq! lg pown lin mmg da wendoo pak din cgt an~ kne la pegy! teheee~ =D
glew mkn x hengat dnie pas2 sume pon flat!

Monday, 1 February 2010


yes pening! keje besepah2~
im such a mess that everything is out of order~

1) xm is in 2 days! hven't start on anything yet! *well mmg la tapena start awl kan tp na poyo2 jgk~* =.=;
2) tibe2 ade asgmnt! HAAA MMG BEST NI! sng plak 2! tssssk.
3) da lame x fg~ dats the only way to forget evrythng anyway~

4) rase mcm da x de purpose~ *&*%^$#%#%$

5) tataw cmne na start pape~ *smbil goyang kaki*

6) hidup x tentu arah~ *hahahaha bodo je ayat*

7) still x cr btr lg~~ OH LUPE PLAK YG NI! *sigh*

8) GEEELAAABAH! x tentu pasal
9) oh rase mcm na tdo smpai final!

10) asek dmam je pdhal antibody kuat je b4 dis~ da la mama asek bsing sbb dmam ni T.T

11) x de haty lg da~!! *well na bg org tp ade org nk x?* hahaha

12) end of the list

hoping that god have mercy on all of us! FULLSTOP!

location: KG004
current music: suju- love disease *sadis gle*
current mood: NERVOUS!