but 1 thing for sure x byk yg berubah~ its still the same fraser hill that we used to go n play like there's no more tomorrow~
1 ayt from abah : ingt x dulu kecik2 kak ti men kat playground cni~?
hahahaha kompem la x igt abah~! n the playground was not even there anymore tsssk. kenangan btol!
glew smpat lg wat 'penangkapan' serangga2 dkt c2 *siyes tade keje dak nih*
mama even wanna stay over nite up there- come back down the next day to genting- jd gile d c2 plak- then bru blik. owh purrffect sgt plan!
but sadly our 'pilot' insisted of taking us back to kl~
dgn alasan: kite x bwak ape2 to stay here nasi lmak ade larh tsssk. =.=;
well maybe next time.
odw trun ade plak incident yg x sptot nye berlaku d kalangan org2 dewasa ni~~ bleyh plak kan! haih tape larh. da smpai kl sume flat! mcm pegy jungle tracking plak! =p
skng da bgun mase utk melayan smula pape yg ptt! making of love urself DVD is out! yesterday MS pon sude keluar! ahhhhhhh IFUCKINGLYLOVEHISNEWHAIR!!!!!! *goin crazeyh* rase mcm na picit2! *^&%^$#@# n ouch did jinjin juz dropped 2 2nd place by jaejoong after all these years in most wanted lover? how cud that be? i mean jae's my fav of tvxq but to kick jin of from the 1st place is still unbelievable~ jae is hot but the fact that he's more to 'jambu' type really spoil the image. grrrr. *no offense to jae's fan- juz dun read this*
jaaaa maw pegy lyn yamato nadeshiko shichi henge! *gelak golek2* comel gilew storyline dea~~ well obviously saye jelesh samew itew prmpn 4 living under the same roof w the ikemens!! *pout*
location: dpn tv
current music: CN Blue- im a loner *latest addiction*
current music: CN Blue- im a loner *latest addiction*
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