SUmTiMeS We ThInK Dat We’D alReadY fOuNd SuMOnE Dat wE aLwYz wANTed 4 d ResT oF oUr LifE~
YuP~ sUmBodY tHaT cOuLd TuRN oUr eNtIrE wOrLd UpsidE-DOwn-WiThOuT-EvER-neEd-2-cOnCeRn-AnyThInG-EVa~!
ThE SaMe PeRsOn ThaT cAn SiMply aFfEct uS by:
- 1. GiVing u gOosEbUmPS WiTh Juz a WiNk and A sIdEwAY SMiLE~
- 2. MaKiNG Ur HeARt BEatS uNcoNtROlLAblY aS if It Cud JumP oUt OF uR cHEST~
- 3. mEsSiNg Up Ur DaiLy rOUtiNE
- 4. sTuCk in UR heAd like 24/7
- 5. mAke U sMiLe FoR No ReAsOn
- 6. bE tHE rEaSoN of EVerY aCTiON tHat u GoNna TAkE
- 7. qUOTiNg the PeRsOn NAme In EVerY SenTenCe tHAt CoME OuT OF uR mOuTh
- 8. DOn Mind To Go oUt oF uR lImiT as loNg aS ThE pErsOn is wiTh U
- 9. U StIlL NEed to bE WiTh tHAT pErSoN evEN tHoUgH tHE whOle WOrLd is w U
- 10. The NEeD 2 lOok aT THe PeRsoN jUz 4 A sEc peR dAy wHiCh Cud TuRn Ur Day InTo a fAiRy lanD!
people around told me to gv it a go~ he's ok w it~but dun they think that there's boundaries need to be cross~ dun even start on the guts! the most important thing is that to ensure that we shared the same feeling or else it will wreck everything! i dun need a confession to mess up everything. juz being w him make me see through his heart. he's not into it and that juz it! well maybe i was wrong but it doesnt look like he moved on~! n who am i to be another person if he still cant forget his old flame? i have no power to turn around everything!
frens said that we r a thing n he's available and me juz have to work harder. i did n it turn out good but now =.=; i've lost my interest not toward him but to try my best. he's not responding as he used to. what i wanna do now is juz to wait! MENUNGGU! titik. x nk teheges la! i know usaha tangge kejayaan but only if it doesnt involves feeling! what usaha can i make if the kejayaan is .................................... T.T
LatELy aLL I cOuLd ThInK oF iS jZ Ma LiFe~
HoW pLaiN IT wAS~
No ADvEnTuRe~
no UpS n DoWN~
Oh CoMe On~ hOw BoRiNg coUlD iT b MoRe~
FeeLs LiKe EvErYThIn’ S RuIn~
mA miNd StARtS tO WanDeR tO aNoTheR diMEnSIoN oF LiFe~
ThInKiNg oF tHe PosSIBiLiTy~
IF i’M sTroNg EnOuGH~
IF i AvE D gUts~
IF I Jz LeT iT b d waY iT wAS
If I cOuLd Jz LeT hIM kNoW~
LiFe WoUlD B mUcH bEttEr~ i GUeSs~
so thats the end of ma oh-so-boring ramble of my stupidness. gle x de keje. otak merewang mende gile. haty x btol. sume terabor. cuti mmg best. tp seriously x keruan.hahaha bodobodobodo.
current music: kamenashi kazuya- aishiteru kara
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