waaaaaaaaaaaa~ its been 2 weeks n i did practically nothing! now ive reached the 3rd week, the final week of hols n i know that i shud start working on my so called research paper but since i havent confirmed my research title yet w doc amalina i CANT START ON ANYTHING YET! n again y didnt u do that zaty? no idea~ im not in the mood of doing it like everyone else
screw research paper, i rather waste my time on other stuffs which i wont be able to touch once im back to upm. plus my dear compaq is still in the clinic for sum hardware prob. i wont be able to do my work at all. *alasaaaan abes ko taip ni x gne pc plak zaty oit* ;p
las week i fnished w greys anat s6, ysterday i started w glee~ *another awesome series*
glee reminds me of:
1) my school life
2) how i used to sing and dance like that
3) how i used to be the center of attention on stage
4) how i used to be as enthusiastic as they were in the series
5) how awesome dancing is
6) how lame i am atm for not being able to sustain it
7) yes how pathetic can i be more now? no idea
smlm kuwa jap bkak pose w hid. she's glowing from her working life now. she's moving on! n here i am still me n still am scared enough to make a move in everything!
*ok i lied not everything but at some part the old zaty is still there- which is not a good thing at all*
td dpt plak text from bff nad, dea pon da dpt keje jd chem engineer da. uwaaaaa. a word from her struck rite through ma heart, look at things as opportunities instead of difficulties. yes syg i will. now now i'll make sure dat i'll be having treats from them soon. *siap sedia kwan2 anda sume mmg perlu banjer saye, heheheh*
btw i juz saw the preview of greys anat next epi n it kills me really hard! shepherd got shot! my mcdreamy got shot! well i knew that he wont die, come on! heroes wont die rite? *giggles* ok enough w crappy talk, im going back to glee. bubbye.
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