so yeah, im back in kl for almost a week. havent got the chance till rite now to do a repo on the awesome 4 days trip i had w my sayangs to north of m'sia, from langkawi to aloq staq to my sg petani then back in kl.
on 24th june:
all of my gals had an overnite in my heaven here in segambut. we took off at 9am
*even though we did planned to start the journey earlier but yeah i guess nobody can wake up from any of the beds in my house------- so its not my fault that i always woke up late. it is the house. the bed. not me. (trying hard to proof over here) * hahahah we reached ipoh in 2 1/2 hour then stopped by at autocity, lepak-ing, chitchating, gossipping, *again*, settling down for some 'emergency'
*well blame the hormones not me for the unexpectedly-bad-timing-monthly-call* i was on the steering wheel till we reached kuala kedah jetty. we managed to hopped on a 330pm ferry n safely arrived in the beautiful island of langkawi at 5pm with kak liza and her wide wide smile as always was already there waiting for us.
as we arrived at bank negara's sri kijang, we were gobsmacked by how big it is, how awesome can it be more?, n with the yes- i- wanna- spend- the- rest- of- ma- life- here- in- this- particular- bungalow- with- 3- beautiful- children- feeling in my heart *Awwww gedik na mampos* ;p i mean who cant resist this huge bungalow? no one!
as i opened up the balcony from my room with tetiqah, there u go chenang beach, deym it i love langkawi! hahaha
at nite kak liza arranged a karaoke session w en mukhriz, so again we let all of our pressure from the finals out. n yes i had a chance to meet a cute guy w d same age as mine. ;) of course we were able to pull him to join us melalax.
25th June:
island hopping time! we went round tasik dayang bunting. uhh kak liza's maid was attacked by all the monkeys there. hahahaha thanx to us they got all the foods that we brought together w us. so the weather was perfect we sat down feeding those keli *xcpt 4 me--- x sggop ah*

then we proceed to the eagle feeding and to a private island n had fun like there's no tomorrow. i built a sand castle w waniTA hahaha

afterwards, it was dataran lang n of course SHOPPPPPING TIME!! *believe me i seriously cant describe how rage those girlfrens of mine can turn into when it comes to shopping* name it from scarfs, chocolates, cakes, prezzies, etc. they bought it all.

at nite we celebrated akief's bday! *makan besar lg* huhuhuhuhu i did managed to stuffed all the delicious foods in. *barely cant move to go back after that*
we continue buying gifts again then at the side of chenang beach. yes thats how we love spending money hahahaha . *such a bless*
26th June:
so it was the day. the main reason y we were having the trip at the 1st place had arrived. it was nawal's big day. we reached kuala kedah back around 1pm. met a 'fren' of wany ;p got ready with our baju kurung, kebaya, whatsoever. met my kekasihs n headed to the wedding ceremony. yeah as i thought she looked so pwetty-gorgeously- sweet-and-cute smiling in pinky purple attire as we arrived and im completely in love w the sweet wedding theme. she got a bunch of cute flower girls with her. roses was scattered all over the hallway. the food was yummy. yupe. i ate a lot! *who cares of the weight when it comes to delicious foods*

next, we went to pekan rabu. felt like i was a tourist even though it was kinda of my own hometown when we were walking w 'artis indon yg hot' n kept on snapping pix *pdhal pekan rabu je kot* ;p we had a meal again at cp before sending off kak liza n wany.

ahh we did played bowling. *ah mls na cite sbb kalah dgn 'gile' yg kengkonon raje longkang- CHOOOII!* ----------- kasi can je tu hahahah ;p
arrived at sg petani around 11pm. gossiping w mak su n pak su then ate again. aiyok~ kempunan char kuetiow ;(
went back to kl. met the boys at 12. i was too lazy to drive instead those boys drove us back till we reached ipoh. had a 'tour' in jj ipoh's carpark. hish. then drove back to segmbut. put safely ikan toman that mak su sent to mama n rushed back to kmr. went out with them for dinner at sate kajang. *mkn lg dan lagi mcm org ngidam 8 thun* . sent c gile 2 semenyih n back to kmr to pack ma what's- left- there- stuffs for the moving process.
the end.
sekian time kaceh.
oi la~ iwannahavefunlikethisagain! wajib!
kak liza's next plan is penang. so penang wait for us.
papelarh. bubbye.
on 24th june:
all of my gals had an overnite in my heaven here in segambut. we took off at 9am
*even though we did planned to start the journey earlier but yeah i guess nobody can wake up from any of the beds in my house------- so its not my fault that i always woke up late. it is the house. the bed. not me. (trying hard to proof over here) * hahahah we reached ipoh in 2 1/2 hour then stopped by at autocity, lepak-ing, chitchating, gossipping, *again*, settling down for some 'emergency'
*well blame the hormones not me for the unexpectedly-bad-timing-monthly-call* i was on the steering wheel till we reached kuala kedah jetty. we managed to hopped on a 330pm ferry n safely arrived in the beautiful island of langkawi at 5pm with kak liza and her wide wide smile as always was already there waiting for us.
as we arrived at bank negara's sri kijang, we were gobsmacked by how big it is, how awesome can it be more?, n with the yes- i- wanna- spend- the- rest- of- ma- life- here- in- this- particular- bungalow- with- 3- beautiful- children- feeling in my heart *Awwww gedik na mampos* ;p i mean who cant resist this huge bungalow? no one!
as i opened up the balcony from my room with tetiqah, there u go chenang beach, deym it i love langkawi! hahaha

25th June:
island hopping time! we went round tasik dayang bunting. uhh kak liza's maid was attacked by all the monkeys there. hahahaha thanx to us they got all the foods that we brought together w us. so the weather was perfect we sat down feeding those keli *xcpt 4 me--- x sggop ah*

afterwards, it was dataran lang n of course SHOPPPPPING TIME!! *believe me i seriously cant describe how rage those girlfrens of mine can turn into when it comes to shopping* name it from scarfs, chocolates, cakes, prezzies, etc. they bought it all.

at nite we celebrated akief's bday! *makan besar lg* huhuhuhuhu i did managed to stuffed all the delicious foods in. *barely cant move to go back after that*

we continue buying gifts again then at the side of chenang beach. yes thats how we love spending money hahahaha . *such a bless*

26th June:
so it was the day. the main reason y we were having the trip at the 1st place had arrived. it was nawal's big day. we reached kuala kedah back around 1pm. met a 'fren' of wany ;p got ready with our baju kurung, kebaya, whatsoever. met my kekasihs n headed to the wedding ceremony. yeah as i thought she looked so pwetty-gorgeously- sweet-and-cute smiling in pinky purple attire as we arrived and im completely in love w the sweet wedding theme. she got a bunch of cute flower girls with her. roses was scattered all over the hallway. the food was yummy. yupe. i ate a lot! *who cares of the weight when it comes to delicious foods*

next, we went to pekan rabu. felt like i was a tourist even though it was kinda of my own hometown when we were walking w 'artis indon yg hot' n kept on snapping pix *pdhal pekan rabu je kot* ;p we had a meal again at cp before sending off kak liza n wany.

ahh we did played bowling. *ah mls na cite sbb kalah dgn 'gile' yg kengkonon raje longkang- CHOOOII!* ----------- kasi can je tu hahahah ;p
went back to kl. met the boys at 12. i was too lazy to drive instead those boys drove us back till we reached ipoh. had a 'tour' in jj ipoh's carpark. hish. then drove back to segmbut. put safely ikan toman that mak su sent to mama n rushed back to kmr. went out with them for dinner at sate kajang. *mkn lg dan lagi mcm org ngidam 8 thun* . sent c gile 2 semenyih n back to kmr to pack ma what's- left- there- stuffs for the moving process.
the end.
sekian time kaceh.
oi la~ iwannahavefunlikethisagain! wajib!
kak liza's next plan is penang. so penang wait for us.
papelarh. bubbye.
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