YEAAAAAAAY! its raya mood!!
so i juz came back home from a day at jln tar after receiving an uninvited- nagging- that- i- dun- ever- need- not- in- dis- universe! but need to admit it was all due to ma wrong doing *thnx so much zaty for being such a sleeping beauty!* n yes if u were wondering KL was as hectic as it will always be when it comes to eid's eve. we walked all the way through jlan tar from maju junction till masjid india n back again to maju but the only things that i was able to grab:
1. an eye-shocking lime green baju kurung *found 1 that opened ma eyes at last*
2. a pair of not-in-my-list-to-buy-glittery-studded- sandals
3. a new pair of sweet yellow n red checkered shirt *after trying out almost 10 shirt this d only
piece that got ma 'fashion police' approval*
4. a new bling2 scarf
bla bla bla. i juz realized that none of the item in the list is for eid's purpose! (ah xcpt for the baju kurung) T.T so yes i may need to keep on searching in kedah later on. oh yes im going eh nope cross that *there crossed over* not going but DRIVING back to sg petani this evening. if abah find out about this am so not going back at all!! so am seaaaaling ma mouth shut! ;|
*::*still pikir2 lagy na cuty bp tahun raye ni-
na lame tp nnt x saba na blik skolah plak hish*::*
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