ok fine! get over it zaty. *preparing herself 4 the most horrible feelin that may appear later on*well hope things will turn around good 4 me. rite. its been 2 weeks off from uni, from gsm, from the buzz of the city, from HEADACHE, from those crazy sayangs of mine ;) even though i should have gone back to uni like a week ago but its worth it! im stuffing maself w the empress of the kitchen a.k.a mak su's yummy foods! i cant say no to mak su's work of art! i mean she can even make me eat 'tempoyak'! *yes! if u r wondering i dun eat a tempoyak b4!* ;p
gedik toi otoman sekoq ni ;p raya was happening! everyone came home xcpt for abg ecan, mak lang's, mak ndak's n arwah maklong's. even w/o the 30+ of them *raaamai gak x de tp 3 fmily je kot haha*, we still had to squeeze into the camera's frame. huhu. it was awesome. juz staying inside the house was fun. *ini kan lagy g tejun2 sungai bagai* well holiday is over i'll be back in kl by weekend, til then i need to prepare maself for lotsa questions that will be shoot to me once i reached kl. awww sayonara bedong! ;pujung thun saye dtg lagy. de orng na tawen ;D*::* ok saye x rindu awk pon*::*
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