ok smalam begegonjeng dkt mid w wany, bib n ain. saket haty boleyh sbb time2 gini je la na byk plak baju2 hot na sale2. aiyok! tapayah la na cite psl kasowt plak! ish! tp yg beh smntara tggu2 bebibah n ain settle kes berat dorng dkt sentral~ teman wany jap g shopping mekap dea kt mid, pas uh terjadi model dkt kdai uh sbb sales girl situ boring xde orng na mekap ;p
hasil= muke chantek la siket drpd yg x chantek lgsg sblom neyh haha tibe2 leyh licin *sgt pentipu*

now da blik ke tpt asal. agak2 thun nih mcm no chance 4 new year eve's celebration je :( sbb kesedaran diri or tpkse celeb dkt universal studio. eh? haha herm ni la padah nye kalo duk umah. tpakse betapa tgu ujan duet je. tp mslhnye x penah pown na ujan2 asek kemarau je *aiyok!* bile agak2 ade chance na dpt keje tpkse tolak sbb mama n abah x bekenan. so hsbc n public bank are now in my no list. the same thing goes to cimb. ok only part of cimb. a BIG no to any post w a word of sale n credit or loan in it. gaaaah ape je yg tggl nih? lame lg la na kne mkn tdo je ni aduss! *da dengki tgk orng keje sesedap oren tapayah na pilih2*
p/s:gud luck to both liplap n keri :D *sile kumpul dwet ribu2 n blanje saye occayh?*
p/s:gud luck to both liplap n keri :D *sile kumpul dwet ribu2 n blanje saye occayh?*
*::*haih2 na tgok mubee gile2 tp bkn tron! time kaceh*::*
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