im ok.definitely!
for the past couple of month wut ive been doin was:
1)bgon pg
2) trun basoh baju
3) kemas umah- yg nih paling mencaba dlm dnie
4) sidai baju
5) tgk tv or melalak lagu korea
6) masak tgh ari (esp 3 mgu nih sbb ade bdak2 yg kuat mkn)
7) smbung tgk tv lagy
8) fb jap tp da mls da skng
9) melepek pastu ketok gitar jap pastu melepek lagy
10) jogging jap, or
11) joget mcm orng gile sbb x taw nak wat pe da
12) kutip baju ok lipat tewos. bile da ramai lagy betambah2
13) orng bekerja blik. masok dapo lagy
14) tgk crite laaagy
15) tdo
16) n this on-going list can go even longer if i include all the lil things such as kne bebel SETIAP HARI for no reasons or for leaving any 1 of the above items apart from getting a NO as an answer for almost everything.
well now, u tell me if am ok or not?
im too used of living this kinda life b4. but after 1 n half awesome year of having it the other way round, i had forgotten how the system works anymore especially when it comes with lots of expectations n no chance of backing im letting everything to a rest. at least for a week. dah tu je.

the only person in the universe who understands this best wud be her.
hahaha. yeah we share the same prob for 23 years.
thnx syg for dropping by today.
*::* it is so deymn hard to make people think of u as a person instead of a kiddo who doesnt know a thing! *::*
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