muke bile da lepas pukul 5pm- orng yg tgkp gamba nih pakse saye ikot :(
"If you truly love someone, you can't stay mad at them forever... your heart just won't let you." - the notebook
cm beh je quote kat ats nih? haha
weekend is approaching.
n im so lookin forward to it
ade ke sape2 yg x nk pegy war game lagy?
*xde kot kan?* ehem!
tp takot jgk~ bile pikir:
namo masok utan camping sorg2! namo3x! T.T
nnt na ckp ngan sape? wat plak ade yg menyampuk aaaaa tatot!
x sggop na bine muscle free dgn kayak 8 jam *ouch*
saye bru je putih balik da na tadah muke bwh matahari lg
war game was absolutely amazing.
the fact that we went through it together w all those crazy sayangs of mine has made it even more memorable. ehem2~! batuk plak eyh~ :p
mari perang lagy! *fuh semangat sket!*
*::*oke, i juz love u*::*
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