gosh. im all done for a week. i need sum strength for the next step. nothing's wrong w the people or w the whole structure either. they r all lovely intelligent peoples w lots of hopes n excitement for what is going to happen next. as for me n few of my colleagues, we've been through all the hardships enough compared to them. doing it for the sake of doing it instead of having all the passion in completing the task is such a pain. u know, things couldnt be any sadder when u wake up each single morning feeling all plain to live up till the end of the day, wishing that time cud flies faster than it is now. well, we did wat we need to. me n 'makcik' ami. we need to bare w it for the mean time. lek la der. da x leyh wat ape da der. lu sedeyh2 pon bkn leyh patah balik der. ckp ank yg bahek! rezeki masing2 laen2. so bile lagy na dpt chance befoye2 kan? NOOW! (positif x neyh?) hahaha.

regardless of the misery within us, we still had fun throughout last couple of week! yep. *mmg tebaek la bab2 menggedik nih*
the challenge will starts next week. i'll be left alone for dis month's rotation T.T *terngiang2 lagy ayat c zura n akim b4 blik td= "weyh cpt babai zaty, dea ade geng baru da nxt wk" SIOT!* :| wuu nanes laju2.
oke. dah tu je.
regardless of the misery within us, we still had fun throughout last couple of week! yep. *mmg tebaek la bab2 menggedik nih*
the challenge will starts next week. i'll be left alone for dis month's rotation T.T *terngiang2 lagy ayat c zura n akim b4 blik td= "weyh cpt babai zaty, dea ade geng baru da nxt wk" SIOT!* :| wuu nanes laju2.
oke. dah tu je.
*::*haiah da 80 thun x jupe. da ilng igtn muke comell korng*::*
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