*kitorng tuff oke?*
the urge of pembaziran is killing
people say, the more u earn the more u'll waste.
sadly, its true. *at least for me*
while im sweating like hell to build a saving tower,
these gadgets can't stop alluring me!
i mean theeeeeeese babies.
torch 9860 n bold 9900
needs n wants, which is more important syg?
simple, it's needs. :)
are these two babies considered as needs dear?
obviously not. X_X
so do i hve to splurge on these?
of course not. =_="
so.... the dilemma shud know how to finds it's own way back to the darkness.
macam mane nak kaye kalo da asek membazir?
jwb la sniri.
ok bye!
*::* nijuzcantstopthinkingofu*::*
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