pose betajok- mane sotong tepong saye! ish! :p
hermm. dis weekend was juz another lepaking story.
full w unplanned xtvties.
the initial plan was: hp7. tido.mkn.n tidooooooo the whole weekend
but it turned out to: screw-harry-potter-i-need-the-beach-NOW! trip!
while we were on the road to watch the movie w the tix in hand,
i told the girls that senate's meeting result was out.
within a blink, they grabbed my baby b4 screeaaaaming out loud out of happiness that their name was in the convocation list!
n only when they were back to the state of conciousness again,
they realized that i actually drove the car to bagan instead!
but yeah it was awesome! we ate like we havent eaten anything for thousand years.
strolled (or actually rolled) by the beach side till the next day.
the story doesnt end there.
the next day, jus as i finished my "nih yg aku suke duk sni ni, xde na jupe sape2" sntence,
kak siti was behind me!
:p there u go, a small reunion out of the blue.
kak liza: eh, makin chantek la awk.
kak siti: orng tgh bahagia nih
*oke ini tipoo sgt! sbb saye mcm meroyan adela*
that i went to cut my longest ever curly hair.
x pena kalo curl pnjang2 mcm tu.
dah xde sbb na simpan.
rs mcm na nanes je ms amoi tu potong
comel kan diorang? :p
when i was missing u so bad,
the time doesnt stop ticking,
so does my heart,
n i despise that.
the fact that LOTS r happening out there,
yet it feels like nothing.
n i despise that too!
when u dun even bother,
n im still a mess over here,
juz by missing u
yes. i despise that!
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