*google-ing while trying to look hot. definitely a total failure.*
OMG. its been a year since las ramadhan.
everything is starting all over again.
mothers, aunties, r picking up colours for eid.
mega sales shopping. jalan tar. sogo. u name it. they r everywhere.
ramadhan brings me back to those days in university.
despite of the ups n down of the biological clock, it was a time to remember.
we were occupied w the thesis n assignments to the extent that gsm seems like our home instead.
dun lemme start on the bazaar. *nyummy!*
today, its a different story.
ive lost interest on eid.
n mama cant stop asking what r we going to wear this year.
i dun care. thats wut i told her. im ok w anything.
thats when she went to my sis instead.
the thing is i jus dun care for anything atm.
besides lining up my thoughts back to normal.
which i wont b able to do it when the heart is empty.
seriously, its ridiculous when there's no reason for it.
i was the happiest.
whenever i know that there was always someone there for me.
n i dun simply accept anyone into my life.
be it friends or whoever.
boleyh kire gune jari.
despite of all the good things that has occur this year;
ive been super cool, :p *oke nih tipoo*
ive been at the highest level of intelligence that i cud possibly go
i went up levels of my own limits
ive done lots of new things
yet, when the base is deteriorates, good things can only remain as good things.
n thats how pathetic life has been.
*::*Ya Rabbi, only U knows everything
i did picked the ripest apple from the tree
indeed. it was. n still is.*::*
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