Friday 11 March 2011

senyum smpai telinge :)

hola. im home wo any plan of going out *as always* even though its weekend. bosan kan? but im used to it anyway. huhu. yesterday news about japan's earthquake was shocking! the minute i heard the news, terus teringat inchek don dkat sendai. well he's in a safe refuge now but still be safe oke :) same goes to everyone else there!

a lil bit update on zaty othman *like anyone ever care kan?* tp nak jgak post! :p
1. bosan. sangat bosan. bosan tahap tertinggi. oke bosan la yg penting. x taw na wat pe
2. i've been living my life plainly w not even a single dot of sincerity since a couple of week ago.

3. oh n ive been receiving few 'pandangan maut' lately from people around, trying to figure out which group i belong to.
*ye x pyah jeling2 brng saye semate2 nak tgk buku saye warne ape~ wane pink oke? saye mmg dlm group orng2 yg konon2 "advance" 2. nak join saye? x pyh la. meh kite tuka meh?*
4. mama saye tibe2 mengidam nak menantu engineer petronas or doctor.
*oh no? pgsan*
5. thnx to mak tam, finally im aware of how annoying to talk on the phone w sumone who is sitting in front of a full blast fan. *sorry syg! len kali x wat dah* hahaha :p
6. oh bole x kalo saye da x taw ape tu koordinat korng2 sume?
7. jwpn utk sape2 yg ty= x de la x merajok pon. apparently, im not that good enough to appear in front of u gorgeous people.
8. my face practically shows everything!

9. i dun speak much now. it doesnt make sense anyway but its juz that im not interested to do so anymore. bak kate cik syikin, mane ilng gedik u ni? *smbil bg penampaq sedas kat blakang*
10. sdng berusaha nak jd zaty othman yg normal balik?

eh? eh? da apesal jd sedeyh plak las2 nih. oke stop. saye oke. tgok~ tgok~

activity bile balik n ddk dlm jam. tema merah itam :p

*::* im no one kan? *::*

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