Monday 15 February 2010

makan day at genting!

.minah ni bru bgun tdow.

2day destination was genting highland! huhuhuhu initially i had no idea that we're going to gnting today.
as i woke up from ma sweet dream, mama ordered us to get ready for another picnic and theme park craziness.
awwwwwwwww wut a lovely surprise *i thought the plan was cancel yesterday at fraser* so i jumped out of the bed, get ready, came down the stairs to find out that everythng was readily cooked by mak tam! hahaha *purrrrfeccct. wut i can only do was to eat all of it!* hehehehe

by the time we reached genting, people were every where. the traffic was hectic. there were securities like all over the place. blocking ways. including the theme park!!*sume org raye kt genting ke? x reti ke na blik kpg? hisssh!*
forget the theme park! it was even harder to find a place to have a perfect lunch! >.< parking sume full. kete kiri kanan lapis2 hish. but sumhow we managed to find a perfect place to hv our lunch! hahah xD ape lg bkak meja lantak ramai2 wat x peduli org~ the best part was where everybdy else saw us n had their picnic at the same spot as well! wawawawa =D yg pntng kami kekeyangan! heheheheh

tade keje

oh the worst part plak! odw trun~ i rceivd an unknown phone call. since i had ignored the phone call last nite~ i decided to answered the phone~ assuming it might be an IMPORTANT call from sumone IMPORTANT whom i might accidentally deleted his/ her num or perhaps sumone i know w a new num!
MY BAD~ it was a he who i dun even know asking where i was n with whom i was at that moment. lpas tu na mtk2 maaf kaco~ its so obvious mmg na kaco pon! d'owh!
after that he sent a text na bekenaln~ eh HELLO????? bile ty mne dpt num! dea boleyh jwb~ "from the police report u did 2 or 3 days ago"

BANGANG BTOL! i mean how cud he? org pegy na wat report elok2 yg skit punye bgos amek num aku pehal? sorry i do have issues w/ policemen! even if u r the cute guy who happened to be there on that nite w me n ma dad n w that pacik polis yg telebeyh ramah tu~ i dun care! thats juz it! X SKE. FULLSTOP! *ade yg ngakoo bini org nxt tme ni*

huuu. na smbng yamanade tp x larat na tgu buffer so kne download la kan~ Jd mlm ini adelah mlam ODAGIRI RYU a.k.a my 1st love! lol ye saye ske ryu. sbb ryu saye ske kat-tun. sbb kat-tun saye da xbtol. kat-tun wat saye lupe diri. sbb cuti2 mcm ni wat saye rindoo! teett!! JAAAAAAA tc!

location: on the couch
current music: CN Blue- im a loner *on repeat*
current mood: MISSING HIM SGT!

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