Thursday 10 May 2012

im into u :p

sumpah aku boringg gila kalo kna keje mcm ni tiap hari.
kepala otak gua pon bleh dpt asthma jugak. semput smpai meletop.

woohoooo! oke mcm da lama sgt x tetaip. life is amazing lately. yeah despite of all the drama in the offce, everything else is perfect. as wut i'd mention b4, girls w emotional stability wont ask 4 more. 1 benda ni je jg. coz we are created emotionally attached. =D nuff said. dtg la malapetaka tjuh petala langit pon, there will always be a way. hehehe. 

my fb tiba2 ada klua feed from one of my hero kesukaan- zulhuzaimy. so he quoted this, n i quoted him here. the saying goes:

Hari ini dia mungkin seorang yang kaki mencarut, esok lusa mungkin dia adalah yang paling LEMBUT bicaranya... 

Hari ini dia mungkin seorang yang ingkar kepada Allah SWT, esok lusa mungkin dia adalah yang paling istiqomah melaksanakan QIYAMULLAIL kala kita semua sedang lena... 

Kita tidak pernah tahu dan tidak akan tahu. Tugas kita bukan me'neraka'kan orang. Tetapi...mengajak manusia ke jalanNYA dan saling doa mendoakan.... 

Jangan HINA permulaan seseorang..kerana kita TIDAK tahu bagaimana pengakhiran nya..

dunia skarang ni mcm2 anasir. kadang2 tu kita rasa kita x kacaw orng tp kdg2 tu apa yg kita buat secebis pon leyh buat orng benci. tp kan, as wut stated above, its not our right to judge. let say for example, a drunk men came out of a bar n dlm x seda tu he randomly ask u to be careful. dlm haty msti tedetik, kau pon jln senget2 nk suh aku elok2. ptt x? hermm ape kate instead of mcm tu kite berigt la to be careful. at least we r not prone to unwanted incident as he is. apa kata sblom ckp eh dea dulu pon x betol, lintang pukang, nak aja2 gua plak! apa kata kite ckp alhamdulilllah moga2 dea kekal n berubah lg baik, n moga2 aku pon boleh jd mcm tu. stop judging. x smstinya kita x boleh dgr ckp2 orng ni. as long as it is not against the law, agama, y not kan? mungkin dea ada ilmu wlpon dea x gna x amalkan tp x salah ilmu tu dea kongsi. its not our right to judge. tu hal dea dgn Allah.elok2 orng nak berubah kite doa kan. yg xde tebukak pintu haty tu kite doakan jugak. not only for them but to ourselves especially.  bagos2 kita, ada yg lg bagos. ilmu dlm dada x kn pernah ckop. jd jgn lah bajet bagos sgt. ni aku tulis entri mcm ni kompem yg dok baca ni ada la dlm haty tu yg nk kata, hek ele pempuan ni, kaw pon x betol nk nasihat org. wait seminit, here's the thing. this is not a nasihat for u instead its a reminder for myself. entri ni utk saya. bcoz i know im not that perfect. coz when people did judge u for wut u r potraying, for the way u dress, for u being urself thats when u know u shudnt be doing the same to another living organism. jom positive2 je

yes i cant love anybody else like i love u. stay if u do the same too. 


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